I know a lot of these same criticisms could be leveled at other cars in this segment: the Mercedes-Benz G-class comes to mind, for example.
I know a lot of these same criticisms could be leveled at other cars in this segment: the Mercedes-Benz G-class comes to mind, for example.
That all seems fine on paper, but truck drivers typically pay all their expenses out of their own pocket, right?
So those are your options? Low paying, hourly work, or an office job? There are many well-paying, but generally lower stress jobs out there.
Stupidity and ignorance are not the same thing. Please don’t read that as a defense of Stewart’s comments, just that if you think about everything that goes into driving a car, and then extrapolate that to 180-200mph, you can’t do it well and be stupid.
Awesome car, but the market has spoken. You don’t have multiple failed auctions that reached a max of 70% of asking if the car is priced correctly. There is no more (theoretically) perfect representation of the free market than an auction. CP.
Are we sure he’s not just a homeless man?
So, presumably, if mine has never been used to charge anything other than my Nexus 5X, I should be safe?
3rd: Dealers can shove it. Cadillac is making the right moves, and if podunk dealers can’t continue selling Cadillacs because of it, then so be it.
Who wants to go in with me on a VW dealer? We can get it for a song, and there’s nowhere to go but up.
Neutral: Hard to say. If people are smart, factor the payment into their budget (budget? what’s that?) indefinitely, and save for the down payment on the next lease, then it’s fine. Truthfully, I think enough people were trading in their financed cars as soon as they were paid off that it’s actually better for people,…
I would agree the BBC couldn’t afford to lose Clarkson, but firing him certainly wasn’t a mistake. He punched a co-worker. You can’t let someone get away with that.
I think the simple answer is that we have a better pool of talent for all sports than any other country on earth. We have what is probably the 2nd or 3rd largest population of any Olympic participant nation, with a much larger variety of genetic backgrounds than, say India or China. Second to that, I would argue our…
He was eating, man; give him a break.
Fair enough, but was your application for this joint venture, specifically?
These professionally trained engineers sit with their fingertips on the wheel, ready to take control if the car encounters an unexpected obstacle.
I think you’re effect is correct, but your cause is wrong. I would say the percentage of millenials who are into cars is the the same as Xers or Boomers, but our likes are different. Also, our expendable income is different. Most of us can’t afford $40k for a Camaro, which will then get 18mpg on a daily basis, but we…
But when these driverless cars are street-legal, the ride-hailing firms will have to pay whomever makes them.
There are going to be two engineers in the front of the car? What’s the /mile charge going to be? $75?
I don’t think aerodynamic efficiency is a valid excuse for the looks. For one thing, a Model S has a lower Cd, and looks great while also being simple, minimalist, and sleek. For another, the Veyron’s simple styling up front left the toilet-bowl shaped Bugatti grille as the center of attention. Finally, while the…