
Two things stand out to me:

Counterpoint: dank IPAs are a delight.

I think resenting the terms redhead and ginger is taking yourself a little too seriously, at least if they aren’t used as a pejorative. I don’t know of any blondes or brunettes who are offended by the term blonde or brunette. It is the color of your hair, yes?

This article is good.

*Posts contradictory comment clearly meant to incite angry responses. Takes angry responses as case in point.*

It takes a lot less than an old Merc to make my 2013 Focus build quality look like crap.

It’s too bad such awesome engineers are stuck working for such an incompetent CEO.

I would love to work at a govt agency like that, so when someone calls with a stupid complaint, I could say, “Shup up; that is stupid."

Have you considered that people who zipper merge are not jerks, because they realize that, according physics, it’s the more efficient way of doing things?

CP. $4,500 is enough of a discount from an excellent Haggerty in his eyes? Nut job. If it was bone stock and immaculate, I might see paying his asking price. That said, I’d rather have this for my $53k:

2nd: I’d prefer this to regulating it. People obviously should get their recalls fixed, but generally speaking they aren’t hurting anyone but themselves by not doing so. Though I suppose in some situations (FCA gear selector; GM ignition switch), it could put others at risk.

OK, then no you didn’t. I thought you were asking me that question, as if I agreed with what the dealership did. Now I see your question was rhetorical.

4th: Trump went further, saying that his deal would be the best deal you can imagine; you won’t believe how great his deal is.

I think you misunderstood my comment.

3rd: I can sympathize with the dealers on this, but Cadillac is just practicing good business. Something unheard of for a GM brand 15 years ago. Sure, it’s not fair, but business isn’t fair. Like you said, we can’t all be astronauts.

My most recent example of this comes nowhere close to the level of BS detail, but my uncle, who knows I love cars, recently told me his SRX “has the Corvette engine in it.” I mention he knows I love cars because why would you lie about something like that to someone who loves cars? The kind of person who is most

Given the number of Indian nationals around the world, this has got to be a world record breaking logical leap.

Has anybody seen this guy? How do we know it’s not just Elon with an alias?

To the extent that these relationships are considered normal in sports, is Tusup and Hosszú’s fundamentally different or worse? Does their being husband and wife make a difference? These are real questions, but the Times doesn’t dig into them.