Dorothy Zbornak

DUDE - it wasn’t NYC!

It’s all good :) I just want to make sure the world knows that these “smaller-town officers” are just as badass as the big city officers.

It wasn’t NY - it was Linden, NJ, and I am a proud sister in law of a sergeant there.

Thanks, Poodletime. He most certainly does. He’s an excellent, dedicated officer (ahem, seargent!) who is tirelessly commited to keeping the community safe.

My brother-in-law is a police officer in the town where this fuckwad coward dirtbag asshole was just captured. Please pray or send good juju or positive vibes to the officers there, and all over this country.

I work in advertising - a shitwad of people watch Judge Judy.

I will, the same as I watched the first: Boozy brunch with friends, each of us snuck entire bottles of wine into the theatre, we drank it from the paper cups that the concessions stand gave us, and we mocked the movie. It was fun.

Something similar happened to me in 4th grade (in 1986) and the teacher not only continued to shame me, publically in front of the class, she had tenure and was “untouchable”...

I am so sorry you had to deal with that...

Not only is he a doctor, but he plays one on TV.

Hahaha :) He was SUCH a dickface. I was a senior in college and self-conscious as it was that I looked like a natural Dolly Parton. This guy was on one of the talk radio stations in NJ, and my mom wanted to call up and go off on him. She practiced great restraint.

Isn't it???

I was able to get that accomplished with my restasis. Without insurance or coupons, a 3 months supply is $1200.

Yes!!!!! Like how do I dispose of my old epipens????

I have —- and because I’m so “well-insured” it doesn’t work.

Last year my insurance paid a small portion, so it was like $415ish. Since I’ve hit my deductible this year, I just paid $108 for both —- but I’ve been carrying around an expired EpiPen for 2 months waiting to hit said deductible.

I will cryptically answer with a wry smile.

He is a “transportation contributor” for a station whose name is similar to that of an animal.

I developed a shellfish allergy in my 20s (after a lifetime of eating all the shellfish) and I’m dependent on an EpiPen. Because I have a high-deductible in my “good” insurance (my husband works for a multi-billion dollar beverage company...you’d think our insurance didn’t cost us a fortune), I must pay out of pocket
