This is some next-level GOOP shit right here.
This is some next-level GOOP shit right here.
Fuck. This. Guy.
I would agree with all of that, CommonVices. Similarly with Zasheer; I think she came out of the gate strong, but now she blends in with everyone in the background.
Thank you :)
Leslie Jones has been the most refreshing addition to this cast. She is hilarious.
My husband and I don’t have kids, so we travel - a lot. We often travel for food, which is what Ink was for us when we were in Cali.
I always look forward to a good Kara Brown restaurant review, and HELLO JANE MARIE & GOLDIE!!! So good to see Jane Marie again <3
NBC had zero “decency issue” with last night’s episode of Scandal when Jake was clearly finger banging Olivia, but we can’t show a mother feeding her child on a commercial?
Wooo Karen! I LOVE Seattle! We vacationed there twice in one year because we loved it so much. We’ve been itching to get back, and also spend a few days in Woodinville as we did in the fall of ‘13. Willows Lodge is AMAZING.
Who makes fun of that and can I smack them? That’s the best husband and I did that, then we decided to not have kids. And we’ve enjoyed ass-kicking vacations a few times a year.
Karen, as a fellow child-free lady (who is married!!! we don’t want to have our own children!) I 1000% support a minimum of a year of paid parental leave. And ya know what? You can even SPLIT that time if you want!!!
Hey ladies! We want to deny you access to birth control so you can have all of the babies, then we’re not going to give you adequate time to care for those babies.
Planned Parenthood - the name says it all. If you PLAN your parenthood you will have a smaller change of an UNPLANNED parenthood.
Anyone who speaks badly about me and the girls will be subject to a week in Uncle Morris’ bug-infested apartment.
Omg what an asshole. I stayed at his fucking hotel this past weekend!
I’m laughing my ass off because I’m envisioning this...Ok now can you please repeat what you just did/said because the camera was out of focus.
Can we get a year -to-date, constantly updating post of all of the things Jezebel has called Donald Trump? Lead paint factory explosion still remains my favorite.
My dad and mom split virtually every task and still do. I think I’ve seen my dad vacuum more than my mom, and as much as I love my mom’s cooking, my dad can outcook her on several dishes.
Thank you <3 He had a good run on a cancer-suppressing drug and was able to be at our wedding (he was diagnosed a week after I got engaged to his son). After that his health deteriorated quickly. If there was any good that came out of his prolonged illness, he and my husband spent a TON of time together and they were…
Absolutely heartbreaking about Big Ang. I watched my father-in-law suffer from lung cancer for nearly 2 years, and it was terrible. May she rest in peace.