
I don’t know. Speaking from personal experience, get told you’re ugly enough times by enough people over the course of your life and you’ll eventually start to believe it. To borrow/tweak a line from BASEketball, “If I had a nickel for every time someone called me ugly, I’d have a shitload of nickels.

He just lacks confidence and is letting the bullies get to him when he shouldn’t.

I’ve never seen any of his videos and it is wrong that people have been bullying him based on his appearance, but “I’m going to wear a mask all the time because I’m ugly” is absolutely not the answer.

I only know Dream vaguely as a content creator so I went to see his face reveal and...he just looks like some guy? And I mean that in a good way. He’s just a relatively handsome young man who one would lose in a crowd almost immediately.

It would have never made sense or been morally right to bully someone no matter

Instead of just sharing the old meme, thanks to SF6's social features, your friends can literally go bonk you on the head and send you to horny jail!

Ryu is a humble king.

Street Fighter 6 enabling gay daddy ryu fantasies was not on my 2023 bingo card

They’re also illustrative of how fucking dumb “metrics” currently are. I’ve watched for nearly twenty years as metrics went from being meaningful measures of key goals to being things to juke to get more points. Unsurprisingly, many a shop chasing points has succeeded magnificently only long enough for the execs to

“It’s morally wrong to prevent an AI from getting maximum points.”

I see that it was important to you to create an account in order to defend obvious racist review-bombing, but I wonder why it was important to you.  Care to enlighten us?

Bad enough that they ripped off Divine twice

We JUST went through this two(?) years ago, with Beauty and the Beast. When you rail about “historical accuracy” being the reason there can’t be any out, gay Frenchmen living in a rural village nestled in the shadow of a castle occupied by a pre-Revolution-era nobleman who was transformed into a furry beast by a

COUNTERPOINT: People getting in their feelings about cash-grab adaptations of done-to-death stories need to have their fucking heads examined.

Honestly, if we have any reason to be angry about casting choices in this movie, it’s that they didn’t cast a drag queen to play Ursula. DON’T YOU KNOW THAT IN EUROPEAN FOLKLORE, ALL OCTOPUS SEA WITCHES ARE DRAG QUEENS?!

This is the greatest parody of a right-wing nutjob I have ever seen on this site. Kudos to you for giving it your all to show how morally bankrupt yet strangely stupid these numbnuts are!

Hey, it’s that thing people who don’t know what words mean always say. 

Yes, that’s correct. The negative reviews from botnets in a commonly known type of astroturf campaign are, in fact, bombing by virtue of that being a fact.

“It’s about ethics in [movie] journalism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!111!!!!!1!11"

Meanwhile this comment section contains one person talking about how a remake of an American movie from 1989 is European folklore, one person using the phrase “journalistic ethics” (in caps) to describe user reviews, and one person whose post is “Interesting... So [statement unsupported by fact].”

Whatever their review weighting system is, it can’t possibly be worse than letting randos on the internet determine the score