
I think the situation was sort of the reverse. My recollection is that the tax breaks provided funding for production, not paybacks after release. Essentially, the tax breaks allowed Boll to pay himself and family members a lot of money during production, so much so that it didn’t matter to him if the movies actually

Yeah, this and Morbius seems like a large scale version of the Corman Fantastic 4 movie. Sony just forgot to bury the movies instead of releasing them.

Yeah, it’s a complex situation, but I agree with your assessment. Based on what we know, the Embracer-owned companies’ layoffs were primarily due to the failed merger, because funding failed to materialize. However, even if the merger succeeded, the game companies likely would have seen some layoffs due to the current

The article even has a Pokémon tag LOL

I think it’s less about “what is canon”, and more about exposure to that canon.  Given the huge influx of new players in recent years (Stranger Things, Critical Role, etc.), and the number of people having BG3 as their first encounter with a D&D property, I suspect that this will be the first real deep dive on Drow

I think the only counterexample I’ve ever encountered is from OGLAF, so of course that is an outlier. 

I imagine that’s why Peter doesn’t do it in the game. It’s almost impossible to not make it corny like when Todd did it.

It’s true.  And we never will know, because they weren’t designed/intended to have an explanation. 

That’s some Killer Instinct combo BS right there.

Yeah, it’ll be tricky to both acquire and maintain a lot of those digital-only games, let alone run them.  Plus with all of the various patches and DLCs, how can it be said which “version” is the correct one. It’s even worse when companies lose the source code for certain games.  For instance, the Ninja Gaiden Master

Yeah, it’s like a textbook definition of snowflake. It’s an incredibly minor choice, from a popup that you’ll probably see for 5 seconds of your total playtime. But no, multiple people felt so offended by an inconsequential popup that they put hours of work into creating identical mods. 

Yeah, they act like language is somehow set in stone like so many of their ridiculous beliefs. If only they actually understood even half of the things they have strong opinions on, their heads would explode. It reminds me of that one meme, “if those kids could read, they would be very angry.”

“I’m mad I can’t be a bigot!”

I love it. Boobytrap mods. Kind of like the anti-cheater and anti-piracy technologies that make games worse after certain lengths of time, or trick them into exposing themselves as cheaters/pirates. It’s basically letting the bigots pick their own punishment and expose themselves.

I agree with you, especially with the fact that almost any choice a person makes ultimately supports some political stance, i.e. “everything is politics”. That said, I read Nexus’ statement as saying that the primary reason for their decision is based on their ethics, as opposed to being based only on political views.

Making her “whiter” feels super weird to me. Like, she has a tan, I guess? But no, she needs to be translucent or something? Apparently I don’t live in a racist echo chamber like those chuds. 

Agreed. They’ll make ridiculous arguments because they don’t actually care about convincing anyone, just obfuscating or twisting things enough to grind down the resolve of their opponents. For instance, claiming stupid shit like “removing the mod is censorship”, despite the fact that the mod itself is very clearly

Taking a stance against obvious bigotry, no matter how small that bigotry, is the only moral/ethical option. 

I suspect it’s the hoary old free speech absolutism bullshit argument. “I should be allowed to have any speech, otherwise it’s rank censorship!” Nevermind that the actual goal they’re arguing for is the power to censor things they dislike.