
I mean basically everyone agreed the Witch Queen campaign counts as a “memorable campaign” and that was just last year, so

Convince Sony, Microsoft, EA, etc. that multiplayer games as service aren’t the best and most efficient way to earn yachts.

but can you hookshot to keep flying forever, fully ripping off the best open world travel ever that is the Just Cause series?!

Yeah, I can certainly appreciate what people have been able to build with the crafting system...but I spend 8 hours a day at work trying to put stuff together in exacting ways to make “things work.” I really don’t have the patience for spending a half hour of my relaxing time to figure out the intricacies of sticking


. . . Coach Z?

You’re right an avowed bigot with apartheid money probably wasn’t being anit-semitic when he called out MAGAs favorite Jewish punching bag and alluded to the New World Order shit that’s been around for decades.

The best thing that could happen for every single one of Elmo's companies is for him to bite the dust. Because he's never going to shut up. 

Fuck Musk, the sooner that POS fades into history, the better.

This would have come off as a little less anti-Semitic if Musk hadn’t said it in reply to a tweet that specifically talked about Soros’ Holocaust experience. Good jorb, Elon.

Best Casey Jones EP ever

Ryu does his taxes.

Well to be fair that drop in viewers could have come from her changing up her streams, when the whole marriage thing came out IIRC she talked about steaming less. I assume twitch might suffer the same problem as youtube where if your not constantly pumping out content the algo doesn’t put you in front of people.

The dad on Seventh Heaven sure wasn’t wholesome. I never saw Touched By an Angel but Tracy Morgan used to play Della Reese on SNL and it was pretty funny.

I get that it’s all in bad faith and “shitty people behave like shitty people”, but in a pretend world that already has trans and queer people in it, thriving and doing their thing while robot mega fauna roam the future Colorodo/California regions whilst a 2nd doomsday scenarios plays out... with a main character,

I know this is mostly preaching to the choir, but I don’t understand why this is such a problem. Same sex romance has been a thing, if not the standard, in video games for years. At least since the early 2000s if not sooner. So why is it an issue now with this game? Aloy isn’t canonically straight. Her sexuality has

Hypothetically... yes.

Declaring bankruptcy to get out of restitution only works if you’re rich or a corporation.

Esp when the profit was 320K over 7 years, that’s barely over minimum wage? Wonder if he can declare bankruptcy over it