
It’s far more likely he had actually recorded speech through the entire expansion, or as far as they planned to use him. Not withstanding that he apparently had cancer and knew about it for a long time, most studios tend to get their voice work done in a single sitting as much as they can because the cost of renting

Ah, my bad. Yeah, I have much less patience for games being terribly obtuse as I’ve only got so much time and I’ve got a million other games to play, so I was happy to use an FAQ when I needed it with these games.

And what kind of manly man would “fear for his life” if someone throws a water bottle at his car?

Thanks, NRA!

Yea I dont blame them. Maybe they could add an option to turn down the help aids but I’m thankful for them. Until we can break every single thing in a game, its worth pointing out which things we can. Especially since if you have a 3rd person view or something its not as easy to notice details you would in first

Seriously, fuck Florida and fuck “Stand Your Ground”. It’s legalized murder, over and over again. 

I mean FAQs weren’t really a thing when I was playing those games as a kid but I definitely used the maps they included with the games and whatever Nintendo Power provided for me.

Gonna take flak for this, but part of the reason it hasn’t is the fact that while its a great RPG, it is also highly seen through some rose tinted glasses. It doesn’t sell nearly as well as people expect when it does rerelease, so it never seems worth it to SquareEnix to release it again.

Despite my love of the Zelda games from Day 1, I only finally got around to beating the first two Zelda games on NES via the Nintendo Switch app and copious use of rewind and save states.

As always, here to shill my favourite game of all time for this list: Chrono Trigger

Easy there dude - I’m just interpreting this sentence: “He seemingly reached for the side of his body where his gun was located in its holster, but it’s unclear what he was reaching for.”

Can’t wait to see the sales figures for their blockchain games! Everybody loves an alienating and divisive fad that has already imploded!

For all the hate fortnite gets, it’s still a fun game to just goof around with friends. I just appreciate how they continue to change and make things a bit fresh.

It’s not a reasonable concern because we’re talking about multiplatform games from developers who have tons of multiplatform experience. Infinity Ward, Treyarch, Sledgehammer, etc, know how to make CoD on Xbox and Playstation. That knowledge wouldn’t suddenly disappear after the acquisition.

Wasn’t it revealed at one point that Apple deliberately gimped iTunes on Windows? Requiring restarts for updates that weren’t actually necessary or something like that? Thought I read that a few years ago.

Let's be fair, Apple owns a half of that shit sandwich. And for the same reasons!

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

I guess nobody needed money laundered. Weird. 

That nobody is bidding is because these cards are absolutely worthless regardless of condition. They are very cool but more like a curiosity. Anyone thinking this is a sound investment or store of value will invariably lose most if not all the money due to volatility. Not to mention the horde of fakes out there
