
Some people climb mountains, I mean, once you’re up there, what’s the point?
At least these guys got to drive their stolen cars, sure, but I think the point, as the mountain climbers say, was that it was there.
The ‘it’ in this case being the idea of the robbery.
I mean, how do you think someone who ends up running a

My lawyer advises me not to answer any further question.

It may also be nerd specific conventions have a history of revisiting things.  There could be people at gun conventions or house building conventions that smell like they got there straight from composting, but there’s not huge demographic diversity that might bring it up.

Drive the hell out of them, no pun intended, until they are too broke to be driven any more sounds like a fun plan to me. The profit was the shouts of yeehaw we made along the way, I guess.

Nailed it right here. I’ve been on both day+ long business trips and conventions. On a business trip, your employer is paying for that really nice room for the hotel next door. Perfect opportunities to quickly wash/freshen up when time allows during breaks.

It’s a liberal fantasy to keep the status quo?

Now playing

DBZ Abridged made it so that Popo was a Nyarlathotep-tier being.

Now playing

And he’s not a one-trick pony, either. He’s FANTASTIC in “Steve Jobs”.

Why, whatever do you mean???

“Popo, where are Goku and the others?”
“I’ll tell you where they’re not... Safe.”

Yes, it’s why he stands like the front half of a centaur.

Pecking order 

Doesn’t Trump wear lifts?

I hope not. Character imbalances are one thing, but you can’t make a fighting game with a character that instantly wins every single match.

Hopefully, though, it remains true to the earlier games as well, retaining Super Saiyan 4 and other retconned elements that have since been retconned.

I’m not going to ignore the “Seth Rogen stuff” cause I think his sensibilities are a good fit for what this movie looks like it’s trying to do. I like the emphasis here of them being kids right on the edge of being teens. I’m excited; anything to rinse the taste of the terrible recent Bay-produced live action films

my partner just said it’s the best voice because Gumball 

Yeah, “kids first, ninjas second” is a great twist on the franchise and I’m surprised they haven’t tried it sooner.

I definitely love the callback to the Eastman & Laird art-styles, especially with the janky “sketched” architecture. This looks like it’s going to be a fun ride.

Wasn’t sure what to expect when I heard of the project but this looks amazing. Feels like the 2012 Nick 3D series mixed with the Spider-Verse stylings. Also kind of neat to see how each generation interprets being a teenager and this is probably the closest we’ve gotten to feeling like kids goofing around.