It was a creative decision, like the cut to black in the final episode of The Sopranos. Did it win a Nobel for literature, a Pulitzer after branching out into science reporting? We'll never know.
It was a creative decision, like the cut to black in the final episode of The Sopranos. Did it win a Nobel for literature, a Pulitzer after branching out into science reporting? We'll never know.
It was almost done too - only word missing was “follows.”
That’s because “It” was the beginning of another sentence, but chatGPT only outputs so many words (or characters, not sure) in a single message. When that happens, you have to tell it to continue.
So far, it looks like the main thing this AI is good for is producing spam. Great future, guys.
Honest question. You want people to care. You want people to change
1) It’s easy to google evidence of her tranphobia
It’s long and has a relatively light tone, but the youtube channel ContraPoints has a video explaining why all the #reasonable things she points out that are #justheropinion are actually intensely transphobic.
Ah here comes the centrist pablum, perfect for the topic of the Harry Potter franchise.
g_saberRealisticCombat 1
You said you wanted someone to explain to you what she said that caused so much hatred. Explainers on that exact subject are a dime a dozen, just a Google away.
Here you go, I’ll use Google for you:
For a community that’s fighting for acceptance and inclusion, they sure seem to be taking a page from the people they say are oppressing them.
It’s rude to JAQ off in public.
I mean, those people would probably champion it even if it released with as many bugs as Cyber Punk and a shittier narrative than that "visual novel" that was just an overpriced screed on MRA style shit, with bland uninspired graphics and production.
I would take you less time to Google why Rowling is transphobic than it took you to type out this comment, much less expect someone to reply to it.
Sorry about your lissencephaly
So did you arrive at this comments section via magical teleportation or did you click on the article?
It has an equivalent to a stealth kill I’ve done in a dozen games since Assassin’s Creed II. It has a UI I could best describe as “default”. It has crafting that sounds not far off from collecting bits of things to mash against other things like in Far Cry 3. I don’t know if it requires you to hold buttons to open…
Potterheads: “It’s the most successful game in franchise history! Look at all the good reviews!”
Just read the article dummy, it’s not clickbaity at all and is a thoughtful exploration of the issue