
Well, you know what they say, “The good apples spoil the blue line.”


He was placed on paid administrative leave following the crash...”

So I’m a part time test driver in CA and some of the routes we go through are the Manhattan beach area. Well A long time ago when I used to work nights, we took the test vehicles out and drove them through the Manhattan beach area. A couple cops came out of a restaurant to their vehicles as we past them. well several

The ones who run in to save all those kids at the school shootings! Oh... wait.

LASD is a shitty gang full of idiots

Well I am sure there are good apples too right?

I’m now immensely disappointed this wasn’t about falling blocks threatening civilization as we know it, and the one man crazy enough to stack us out of it. 

(He’s making a joke about how so many people said this game was going to be a Smash Bros killer.)

It’s a gag format that has gotten very popular over the last several years and while it has a very specific format I don’t know if it’s based on anything in particular. I assume it’s just a reference to general spit take jokes that have been popular basically forever.

All Your Base... *sigh* Man, I miss the old net. The humor was so nebulous and non... corporate. Now everything is just “I ATE 20 LBS OF CHILI AND THIS HAPPENED!” headed by 5 minutes of “sponsored content”. I never would have guessed back then that the net would become so... samey. Also there were fewer death threats! 

More Rick and Morty is just the shot in the arm this game needs, that show’s popularity and guarantee of longevity has never been stronger!

And it’s now out on Steam, easily accessible on modern hardware.”

After having successfully killed Super Smash Bros. its work is now finished and it can sail away from these shores, peacefully, into the west.  

There was a top down moba-like clone based on dead island IP. A beta version was released before it was canned

Yep. Not worth making my day worse for.
I just stopped playing PvP games completely unless I’m with a team of friends, and then only they are on sound.

Did you just have a stroke?

Idk how she does it. That brand of toxicity definitely stopped me from playing competitive online games with open voice chat + randos and she’s getting it way worse. Heck even LoL text chat was a bridge too far. I’m already subjecting myself to the grind of ranked play. Why do I need to also bathe in whatever sexist/r

There actually was a sequel called Dead Island Riptide. This is technically the third game

I don’t like the image rights approach to this, because I feel like it’s too broad. I mean, Donald Trump doesn’t have the right to sue you if you write a fanfic about him having sex with Mitch McConnell. I’d rather approach it in terms of reputation damage from a realistic-looking deepfake.