
I was going to say... being “raised as a messianic Jew” is just being raised Christian.

Lying about being Christian isn’t a differentiator anymore.

The first two Metroids have remakes, so that could be a good start if you have the means to play them.

you don’t need to watch it on one go, you know?

How to get into Metroid: Play Super Metroid on the SNES app on the Switch, then play Dread.

Thats because it is a very personal title to him. Much like Tokimeki Memorial, which was also 6 hour long.

Now playing

For those who want to know more... and I mean a LOT more, about Boku no Natsuyasumi.

I learned about the series from Tim Rogers, whose absolutely bonkers long reviews are as poignant and insightful as they are self indulgent and navel gazing. I love his schtick. 

It’s actually interesting the more I think about it. I think this is actually a decent joke told by a real person who is playing into a character that is an ignorant comedian (“Gee, I just can’t figure out why my bigotted jokes aren’t getting laughs” dot dot dot). What’s ironic is that the characters in Seinfeld fit

Yeah, it definitely appears like the punchline is: there’s nothing funny about transphobia, albeit through the clunky delivery of AI.

Honestly, that bit comes off almost like an insightful joke about how washed-up aging comedians try to stay relevant in 2023. “No one is laughing at my jokes. Maybe I should try saying hateful bullshit about trans people and liberals.” Just replace Jerry with Dave Chapelle or Louis CK and you’ve practically got a

Ah, I was wondering when it would start denying the holocaust like every other AI before it. Glad to see it got there before the transphobia.

I was watching at the time, as soon as it went onto “nonsense” mode, it started spouting borderline TOS stuff about Nazi’s until it said what it did in the clip, and the channel got banned 5 minutes later.

That’s kind of wasteful. You’re ignoring the fact that the vast majority of people don’t need a physical driving test. Why would you bring a 30 year old in for a physical driving test? And then again at 35? It’s totally unnecessary.

It’s happened twice?

Yep.  Pedal confusion is almost never identified as such by the person subject to it.

The cases driven through were mostly the store’s 3DO and PS1 collection

If parody, it needs flavor.

Your prejudice is just as awful as the people who are review bombing.”