
Though a few games have tried to broach real world issues with the police (such as This Is The Police), most games model their police in simplistic ways to meet the needs of the game’s design. Thankfully more people are becoming aware of the issues police have, so hopefully more games will take those issues into

Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens too. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the biggest games from the 360/PS3 era get rereleased in the upcoming generation.

Judging from the bits of story and gameplay in the trailer it looks pretty interesting. I’m guessing it will have the “endless resurrectionsgame design aspect of the Souls games but with a sci-fi explanation, though it’s always possible the resurrections are plot-based instead.

Wow, has there ever been a game that straddles 3 console generations? 

I’m a little surprised this is intentional, but that’s kind of neat. My first thought was that it was an artifact of basing the RNG seed on the date.

I might finally kick myself out of EDF 4.1 into other games, but we’ll see. I usually play it when I have only a little bit of time, and I haven’t seemed to have a good stretch of time to just focus on a game. The flipside is that I have at least 4 games I want to continue, so I should stop thinking about getting 100%

It’s cool that people are upgrading it, but it’s jarring. Sure, Mario looks a lot better, but why go to all that trouble to do an upgrade but only focus on Mario and leave everything else the same?

Eating something big, like a meal? Maybe only in rare cases with a game that’s easy to control, like turn-based strategy games. In most cases I’ll just have drinks, with occasional snacks available for slow spots or when I want to take a quick break (or between matches in some games).

FF6 was definitely my favorite FF game up to that point, and is still one of my favorites, so I’m always curious what peoples’ thoughts are when they first try it. As for that crystals trope, I hadn’t thought about it but yeah FF1 through FF5 really overused it (and it’s just a common recurring trope for the series as

Splitscreen would have been cool for DS3, especially the missions that only occur for co-op, because both players could see the special stuff that only shows up for the second character. However, I’m not sure if I would have had a chance to use it. Most of my gamer friends live too far away to play splitscreen, and

Is FF6 new for you, or are you replaying it? If it’s new for you I’m curious what your thoughts about it are so far.

Last weekend was spent playing less games than usual, partly due to necessary chores, but also due to major events in a tabletop RPG I play every Saturday (my character had an alignment reversal and then major retraining of classes, so a lot of rewriting and bookkeeping). This weekend I’m hoping to wrap up Dead Space

The plot synopsis reads to me like one of these possibilities:
A) a generic plot that they cooked up because nobody involved was creative enough (or invested enough) to create a plot that doesn’t contradict the games’ lore.
B) they paid for an unrelated script that “has promise” then slotted in the game’s characters.

This long weekend I’ll try to put more time into actually playing games (and it helps that it will probably rain all weekend so I don’t have to think about doing any yard work). I’m still playing Dead Space 3 co-op, though we’ve gotten more into Dead Rising 2, so we might just drop DS3? Anyway, on my own I’m still

To me the main hurdle with the story mode of GTA5 is getting to the point where all 3 main characters are finally working together. Before that point it’s a bit of a slog.

Dang, and not just Switch. It took me a minute to see the tiny text in the ad, “*Title exclusions may apply,” to cover their asses. That gives the company and specific stores carte blanche to exclude any games they want to. It essentially makes the sale “Please help us move product that would otherwise take up space.”

Dang, and not just Switch. It took me a minute to see the tiny text in the ad, “*Title exclusions may apply,” to

Yeah, Fox news and its viewers have a delusion of being oppressed, so they need the world/political situation to be at least 1% not in their favor so they can cling to the belief that they are the underdogs.

I think it would be fair to ask if Rehl could even see Snyder’s face clearly due to the stage lights.

For me AoM is the happy medium of SR3 and SR4, or maybe SR3 and Crackdown, all of which I enjoyed. I think the complaint that AoM was too long/big is probably the only one I agree with, as I got worn out and couldn’t finish it. I guess technically my only other complaint is that it doesn’t have co-op, but that’s more