
I can’t watch the video at the moment, but is there supposed to be a single answer to this puzzle? From what I’ve read, Sudoku puzzles with too few numbers won’t be solvable because there are more than 1 possible solution.

While I never played this game, I’m strongly reminded of the Aladdin game (though I suspect Aladdin is child’s play in comparison). To answer the title of the article:

There were probably quite a few, though the only one that comes to mind for me is Strider (at least in my opinion). It turned a linear beatemup into an RPG.

I can recall way back in the day that I borrowed Rygar from a friend and really enjoyed it, but never got enough time to play it. From what you say it sounds like it’s right up my alley.

This possibility kind of makes me wonder how well the later Gears games run on PS3 (not that we’ll ever know). I.e., if Gears 3 was a test for PS3, did the devs make changes to the engine so later games could run better on PS3?

As I recall (and also commented myself), our current predicament has a lot to do with a Supreme Court ruling in the 1970s that reinterpreted the 2nd Amendment as being a personal right, whereas before that the previous interpretation was primarily to do with militias. 

In short, because the NRA wants the USA to be The Wild West. Essentially, they caused a bad ruling by the Supreme Court in the 1970s that allowed for a bad reading of the Second Amendment.

I for one will not stand for The King forcing me to house soldiers in my home!

I’ll definitely be playing Dead Space 3 co-op again this weekend. I think we’re pretty close to finishing it, though I last played it back when it came out so I’m not positive. Once that done we’re moving on to Dead Rising 2. We played it a little bit last weekend to see how the co-op was and really enjoyed it.

Ooh, an even worse one I just remembered: there is a singular cause for this widespread buggy behavior, but the singular cause was actually a built-in code assumption that has changed, so there’s no way to fix it directly, so every affected feature needs to have its own fix.

That’s one of those instances when exhaustive steps in the bug description would have cleared everything up.  Then again, if the bug specifically had steps for inserting and running the game disc, then that’s on the team in Japan.  Either way, I think that’s a common mistake across the board, assuming that certain

It certainly doesn’t help that “player kill counter is not tracking properly” sounds like an accurate bug description (during a match the player’s kill count isn’t updating as expected), but one that’s different from the actual bug (at the end of the match the player’s kill count is inaccurate).

For me the worst I’ve seen was essentially “this buggy behavior that looks like it has a simple fix is actually the result of a required change in a core function, so now we need to completely refactor this core function to accommodate both the required change and a fix of the buggy behavior. And also cross our

Ironically, beta players can supposefly be a cause for those same exploits to make it to release. I don’t know how common it is, but I’ve heard that for a few games there were exploits that beta players found then kept them to themselves in the hopes of using them later (of course hoping that no other beta player

Yeah, the closest I can remember the comics getting was Dutch’s brother who was a cop. I think it was maybe an attempt to bridge P1 and P2? Of course I read that comic like 30 years ago so I could be mistaken.

Sad but true. There’s always a contingent of loud banned people that say “I only did X”, and the company comes back with documented proof that the banned person was lying about the circumstances. I’m reminded of people banned from Xbox Live for various reasons who then lie about how they weren’t doing anything wrong,

Yes, this will totally work to attract younger voters.

I’m hoping to finally get back to FF7R. Things have just been so busy lately that I haven’t been able to spend more than 30 minutes at a time playing anything, so I’ve mainly focused on random Switch games or EDF 4.1 (just reached 27% completion). I’ll likely still play Dead Space 3 co-op tonight and maybe tomorrow

For the person recording I think the only “good” option I can think of is that the McMichaels drove by the person’s car in some aggressive and/or suspicious manner, so they pulled out their phone and started recording just in case. However, given the information I don’t think that’s true, and I think your conclusions