I feel like Trump rallies should be the one exception to stay at home rulings. Honestly, Trump would probably prefer that, because in his mind it would mean his political opponents will be deprived of them.
I feel like Trump rallies should be the one exception to stay at home rulings. Honestly, Trump would probably prefer that, because in his mind it would mean his political opponents will be deprived of them.
I loved the games and the music. I think my only nitpick with this release is that cassettes don’t really fit. CDs should be the main medium for 90s music. Cassettes were bigger in the 80s. Plus the fact that video games are already a digital medium, so having game songs on CD would be a better fit.
For co-op I’ll probably be continuing Dead Space 3 or starting a new game + on Far Cry 5. On my own I’ll try to get back to FF7R. Hopefully I won’t get sidetracked with EDF again.
In retrospect, Tonberry has always seemed like one of the few attempts by the FF series to create a funny/cartoony monster similar to the ones found in Dragon Quest games. And because it’s an FF game of course that “joke” character is way overpowered. It feels to me like a vindictive designer took a bunch of players’…
LOL, yeah Mythic Quest came to mind, though my initial thought was the recent reports of COD: Warzone and Apex Legends making cheaters play only with other cheaters. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re right that similar solutions have been around for years. Like, if someone said some random MUD did something…
Online games will always have a ton of shitty people. I’m not sure what Riot can actually do for a free-to-play game.
Yeah, it seems odd. Hopefully the people requesting them actually have kids that are interested. I suspect it will be more the parents that are interested and just taking advantage of the fact that they have a kid of the right age. To be fair, there are kids that enjoy retro games, but they may be turned off by the…
I agree with the sentiment of exposing a great game to a new audience, but... Presumably they can read, and will see the title screen?
I always assumed it was so nobody could stack other systems on top of it, but I don’t know.
I’ve been too busy to play games this week due to working, taking care of dogs, and updating a character for a tabletop RPG game. Hopefully this weekend I can get in a lot of game time. I’ll probably play more Dead Space 3 co-op with my friend, though we might switch back to Saints Row 4. Other than that, I’ll…
Oh geez, if only one of the reskinned versions was a Tremors game, that would be amazing.
I hadn’t heard about the lost code, but I can’t say I’m surprised if it’s true. It’s amazing how many games have had their source code lost over the years.
I’m guessing that someone at Epic crunched the numbers and found that the increase of userbase and associated sales was more than enough to counterbalance Google’s cut. Either that, or with the threat of other games taking their marketshare they’re trying to maximize their user numbers on the platform. Then again, it…
I see you haven’t been in school for a long time, or were woefully misinformed. Legally students must maintain certain behavioral standards set by their school, even when they’re not on school grounds. To be fair, many schools will be lenient for actions outside of school grounds, but they don’t have to be. Also, as…
I do kind of agree with that one, though I can’t recall if Rockstar ever gave an official declaration of the art’s inspiration if any. That said, I do recall seeing at least 1 picture of a different model whose pose and bikini was very close to the game’s art, leading to speculation that the artist had worked off of…
Some might complain that Bravely Default is here, but I can see it. I’m one of the people that views Galaxy Quest as one of the best Star Trek movies, so I can see how a game can in essence fully represent a separate series.
Some might complain that Bravely Default is here, but I can see it. I’m one of the people that views Galaxy Quest as…
If you’d said this was actually released in 2006 I wouldn’t have had any reason to disbelieve you. It definitely looks like a game released on XBox360 at launch. On a different note, they’re definitely taking UI design choices from EA’s sports games, which isn’t the worst thing to do with a sports title, though it’s…
The irony to me is that if these damned purists want the original game with just updated graphics there are already options for that. At the very least the PC game from way back when has graphics mods. And I’ll bet there’s also mods for voice overs and the like.
I kind of wish I wasn’t able to work from home, and would be able to really dig in to my backlog. As it is, I’m still playing mainly on weekends :( Anyway, I’ve essentially dropped Death Stranding for now as I focus on FF7R, though I’ve also been putting in time with EDF 4.1. I’ll probably also continue Dead Space…
Yeah, it’s not like the GTA5 Lindsey Lohan situation. (though I vaguely recall that ended up not being about a picture?)