
I was born in ‘79 and in practically every way I don’t feel like a GenX-er, though my older brother born in ‘76 says he mostly feels like one. I’m mostly an introvert, so I don’t quite fit in with the Millennial generation either (though my dad was also a psychologist, so it wasn’t for a lack of trying to get me to

In terms of just age, yeah ~25 years is a reasonable benchmark for defining how many generations of people have existed in a length of time. The tricky thing is that the named generations usually are cultural groups, it’s just that they’re defined by a specific state of the world and/or major historical events that

I feel like the Millennial generation ending at 2000 is fitting, though I’m sure there are better cultural criteria for defining it.

For that exact reason some people refer to the “X-ennial” / “Xennial” generation which usually goes from ‘77 - ‘83. So many things changed in such a short time (mostly in the 90s) that those of us born in that time are culturally distinct from GenX and Millennials.

Show fighting =/= actual fighting. A lot of actual fighting looks weird compared to what we see in TV, movies, plays, etc.

Since video games have been around as a popular medium for 40+ years, it’s pretty common for popular games to not be the first of a specific genre or sub-genre.

On a completely random note, after rereading Deadpool’s comment I decided to look up the profits for the FF movies. FF1 had a budget of 38M and it made 40M opening weekend and 200M+ worldwide. That’s really good for the time, and explains why sequels kept getting made. Also, 2 had a higher budget but had a bit better

Can confirm

I’ll probably play a bit of Saints Row 4 with my friend tonight, and maybe tomorrow. On my own I’ll probably focus on Death Stranding when I can, despite some ribbing from my friend. The world and story are all a bit mysterious to me, and I want to find out more. Other than that, I’ll probably continue with Secret of

The whole game, not just the mini-games, was re-skinned from tech that we had used on all of our other DS games to that point. The majority of the art was created from scratch which helped hide some of the re-use, but not really

Yeah, I think it’s pretty standard for every Walmart to have about a dozen games that are 10+ years old, because they’re not willing to lower the price enough for anyone to want them (plus most people won’t have the necessary console at this point). At least the ~3 Walmarts I’ve been into in the last year have been in

Damn it, Laurie, you had one job.

And the gym for 4+ hours per day.

As I recall, Legends 2 was pretty similar to Legends 1, but with MUA1 they simplified things a bit and the series has stayed that way.  I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing they did that to account for the wider range of characters and power sets.

I’m reminded of the free to play Fire Emblem game, which was also very free to play. However, this FFT game has the advantage of decent-looking battles (or at least appears to), whereas the Fire Emblem game had very limited battles. 

Kind of like the guy that “proved” people remain conscious after being decapitated by yelling at the heads of people killed by guillotine during the French Revolution.

the game has bumpers at the end of half-pipe segments to automatically leap you to the next segment, except when it doesn’t and lets you fall helplessly to death

I can remember borrowing Doom64 from a friend and being pleasantly surprised. I had been hoping to finally play a full version of Doom (I’d never had a chance to play the full PC game), but ended up playing a very different game that was still enjoyable. I suspect that the game’s slower pace was the result of

Yeah, based on my game programming days of yore, there’s only so many areas where pure randomization will work without ruining the player’s experience. Even rogue-type games with lots of randomization still have specific limits to avoid situations that are impossible to beat.

What’s funny to me is that it’s pretty easy to design enemies that are impossible to beat. If that were the point then there’s no reason to use ML.