
I haven’t played either series in 10+ years, but I think you have a good point about the two series having similar designs.

Also, I think the comments from MiraiQ. gave good counterpoints as to how D. Walker’s arguments are flawed, so at this point it’s not necessary to pile on more comments.

Dang, I totally missed that hack version (I was really into weird random NES hacks like that at the time). I like how the design on the floor also says SARS. That’s some dedication to the theme.

Ugh I’m getting so behind on my current games, but I want to go back and play older games, plus I have a puppy that needs attention, and I’m dealing with tax season and a mortgage refinance. Blech, adulthood is a pain. Anyway, if I have any time to play this weekend I will hopefully try to focus on the games I want to

I wouldn’t surprised that alt-right jackholes are highly motivated to spread their awfulness in Mensa, considering they do it pretty much everywhere else they show up.

Oddly, that seems very similar to The Game. I guess that’s not a bad thing?

There is a similarity with most racist views: pride in a random physical aspect that was an accident of birth and has minimal value on its own (IQ is useless if not actually applied; skin color has no value outside of artificial social constructs).

That sounds about right to me. For one thing, the tests I can remember taking 20+ years ago put me in the 120s, and for the most part I’m normal but nerdy. Also, most of the scales I’ve seen put ~130 as the starting point for “genius”, with ~160 being a solid genius level IQ.

As I recall, there’s a known issue with only telling children they’re smart, which sets them up to think that life will be easy for them, so they don’t apply themselves and end up creating all kinds of problems for themselves in adulthood.

I think I was in one of the exception situations, where me and the rest of the kids in the gifted group were relatively normal. I’ll admit that I was probably the least well-adjusted kid there, but I was mostly lashing out from constant bullying. That said, we weren’t gifted enough to skip grades or anything, so I’m

It made me laugh to think he was asking for cocaine or mayonnaise or some other white thing. I was disappointed to find he was probably asking for white out (though that raises the question of where the mark was, since it shouldn’t make a difference).

This time, in hopes that they wouldn’t repeat the mistakes of Uncharted 4, Neil Druckmann and other leads got together and tried to map out exactly what The Last of Us II would look like as far in advance as possible. “They honestly felt like they had figured out a way to not have to crunch as much,” said one

Production team won’t change anything. Rockstar had a production team and their job was to mainly tell you, “Work on this scene first before the other ones.”

In a lot of ways E3 was an extension of CES, so in my opinion E3 was always more about the marketing side of industry.

I may have to go back and try that. I can’t recall if I tried a summon, though it’s possible I just didn’t have PS Plus at the time to summon other people.

Dang, I can’t seem to find any info on it. I would have sworn there was one, but now I’m not sure if I was thinking of something else. Sorry for the confusion :(

That was my issue with Nioh 1. I got to the boss of the second area and couldn’t beat her after like a dozen attempts, so I dropped it and haven’t gone back since. It’s kind of sad too, because that was one of the games I got the PS4 for in the first place.

I wouldn’t say it’s a guarantee that the room can only be reached with errors. Off the top of my head there’s at least one tree stump hole that players should be able to reach that always loads the room. My understanding was that the devs intentionally put 1+ locations that intentionally loaded the preexisting error ro

General response: covid-19 is WAY deadlier than the flu, and its spread is practically invisible compared to the flu (longer incubation, plus it’s contagious for much longer during that incubation, allowing the infected to spread it WAY more than someone with the flu).

Has there ever been confirmation that the Chris Houlihan room was originally a crash/error handler?