
Without the right context the spoken word could be confused with the peanut butter brand Jif. Then again, the alternate pronunciation might be misheard as ‘gift’.

That’s only one argument of several.

I’d like to give her a gift of a gored gazelle, a gourd, and grain. We can do this all day. English has enough examples of both usages that neither is truly dominant.

I think you mean jood jokes :P

I think his point was that the english language has no default pronunciation because both pronunciations have about equal distribution of usage. As such, there aren’t any cases of exceptions, because neither usage is small enough to be considered an exception.

A more important point is that the vast majority of actual english words use that form of ‘g’, like in gift or gum. The ‘j’ sound goto is usually giraffe, which is a loan word.

It’s too bad he’s not a linguist, because he’d know that he’s wrong just by saying The Oxford English Dictionary accepts both pronunciations.

I believe I initially let them die thinking I would need the ships. But then it turned out I didn’t need them, so I loaded a save so I could save the council.

Oh yeah, it’s definitely a great game. I’ve easily put 100 hours into it and not even beaten Ganon yet. I genuinely despise the sentiment that “casual” gamers aren’t real gamers. That’s why I used “/s” to indicate sarcasm.

Oh it’s just Zelda.  Clearly she’s just a filthy casual. /s

Amazon has physical book stores already.

I believe the specific term is critical thinking, though I could be mistaken. Anyway, I agree that there should be classes for it, but for whatever reason they don’t really exist (or at least not just for it). I was somewhat lucky in that I had teachers in high school and college that included it as part of the course

I’ll probably continue Saints Row 4 with my friend, though depending on how we feel we might go back to Gears 4. On my own I might continue Death Stranding, as I finally got the ability to build my own trucks and don’t have to keep stealing them from Mule camps. Then again, I’ve really gotten into Dead Cells and a few

The battery saves in the carts is still working as well. I booted up Pokemon Blue and everything is still there from my 3rd playthrough.

I agree. In a lot of ways software development has taken Moore’s law for granted, and also extended it to other types of computer hardware, which has caused a lot of really lazy habits in software development.

Why is Chandler wearing a tent as a jacket?

Again, he’s probably the best part of that film as well.

A change in hairstyle and makeup can have an amazing effect on how/if people recognize you. Add in the fake tattoos and the situation, and I’d bet that none of them genuinely thought some random stripper was Wu. Some of the patrons probably thought she just resembled Wu, and the rest either didn’t recognize her or

I’m pretty sure I have Vanquish in my backlog, and this review makes it sound like fun. I just have so little time to get to my backlog and I’m not sure if that will ever change.

Ah, okay. Still, the next time you see a doctor you might want to ask if there’s ways to check your lungs in case the dust was something serious like asbestos.