
Essentially survivorship bias. Imagine how many actors of a similar age actually look their age. Then again, the “old” picture doesn’t have any grey hair, which is a key factor in how old someone looks, but he does have wrinkles and lines that give away some of his age.

On the one hand, some people do age more gracefully due to genetics. On the other, it’s amazing the effects you have from various things. Hair dye alone can have a huge effect, including a little makeup. I’m assuming both are true for the pictures from major events. Also, he might be taking good care of himself with

Absolutely. The flu’s overall death toll is due to its relatively high exposure rate. The percentage survival rate of the seasonal flu is currently less than the coronavirus. That might change with circumstances, such as better knowing how to treat people infected with coronavirus (which is a key factor in surviving

Crunch is definitely a problem when it comes to being well dressed and clean. That said, some people in the games industry just care less about hygiene than average, though it’s a question of if that’s a causal relationship or not. Years ago when I worked as a games tester there were a few guys that were notorious for

That really sucks. I’d guess the building was old enough that it had either paint or insulation that was slowly crumbling and leaving dust everywhere. If that’s the case, then the average worker would have less exposure than you because moving all that stuff would have kicked up a lot of dust. Have you asked a doctor w

That comparison is facetious, because it’s two completely different situations. Also, your point appears to be that the coronavirus isn’t dangerous because it’s killed less people than the seasonal flu. By that logic we should only care about things that are the absolute worst, and never worry about lesser dangers.

At least games aren’t putting out tons of shitty “collectors editions” and alternate covers with no actual collection value?

Other than Luckey, do we have any info on how many of them are gamers? Or has games memorabilia entered the same realm as art? I.e. where speculators and investors buy up items expected to increase in value, but don’t actually care about the item or even the whole field.

No other Breath of Fire games were released until 2013, when Capcom released Breath of Fire VI. 

Or, the grinding is entirely different. I remember playing classics life Lufia, FF, BoF, etc., and the cadence was basically, grind until you reach the point of severely diminishing returns, struggle to reach a new village/town/whatever, use that as a base to go off and grind some more, never straying too far from

Good eye! I just didn’t have any luck finding him.

I had the same problem a year or two back, and the battery still worked just fine. Practically all mobile devices will eventually have an expanding battery. That said, I didn’t want the expanding battery to get any worse or damage the SP, so I also ordered a replacement (actually akit” since I also needed one of

I wonder if we’ll ever find out what really happened. In my experience this situation indicates the area “fixed” in the hotfix was just a symptom, and not the actual bug. Then again, the hotfix might have accidentally excluded some specific necessary change (given the game’s size and complexity I’m assuming their

I don’t know if I agree that it needs to be from the point of view of QA, though it certainly depends on how it’s presented. As with 99% of tech-based shows, the QA department is basically forgotten or ignored in Mythic Quest. At the very least someone has to be constructing the test plans for the 3 playtesters with

Is that third picture Joan of Arc in Bill & Ted?

On the flipside, some games these days have weirdly huge save file sizes. I’m not sure what is being saved in some cases, but the fact that they are so big can be partially attributed to the fact that devs expect users to have huge HDDs so there’s no drive to be more frugal with save data.

Thanks for that. It really digs deep into what we actually know and can reasonably claim. For the most part, I think their general conclusion makes the most sense: that Toriyama’s incredibly loose writing style caused almost all of the “evidence” that people point out in the series’ stories.

I expect I’ll continue Death Stranding on my own. As for co-op, my friend and I have just started Saints Row 4. It was actually the first I played in the series, but now that I’ve played the others I can see all the little joke references it makes to the previous games, and also the ways it makes fun of itself. For

Some fans have reacted with the requisite “But they promised another season!” complaints