
Is it my imagination, or are the character updates here becoming more in line with the characters’ appearances in later games? If so, that makes this sort of a ‘Special Edition’ situation.

Ugh, yeah. I’m sure it’ll be some kind of game where you summon heroes from a time portal.

I recently got a few games for my birthday, so I’ll probably be focusing on Death Stranding on my own, and A Way Out when a friend of mine is online. I might also play Darkest Dungeon, but that’s more of a weeknight thing.

Personally I never owned the PS1, but I spent plenty of high school playing PS1 games with friends or watching them play single-player games. I feel like I watched basically all of RE2, but probably only played 30 minutes myself.

Software quality assurance doesn’t work like most people think. Programs can be built on millions of lines of code due to the external libraries used (even simple programs), plus the thousands or millions of possible hardware configurations the software will run on, which ultimately means that basically no software

I don’t feel like this is a very big deal. If anything, this makes me want to play the game more, because it gives the game some importance to the canon, instead of just being “this ends up having no bearing on anything we’ve already seen.” This reaction reminds me of how some people reacted to the “spoilers” in the

To some extent, the ad might indicate how the remaining humans now depend on recycled content instead of new content, if only because most people are too busy dealing with the dead in one way or another to create any new media. Also, a show about being able to travel around freely might be interesting. The big

This is good news. I haven’t played DS yet, though I will be in a few days, so I’ll find out soon if my TV is big enough. I just wish more games had the option. I recently got Darkest Dungeon for Switch. As far as I can tell it was designed for mobile use, partly due to the layout and various input directions, but

I feel like the game could have avoided a lot of headaches by just saying that Cal didn’t get much training. That way the whole game is Cal creating and improving his own connection to the Force. Then the game could have two twists: How did Cal get his light saber if he never completed his training to get the saber;

Fallen Order’s bigger flaw is how you unlock these abilities with “oh I just remembered”. 

Why would the Jedi need to double jump if they can already do long jumps?

While I would like to see VR get better and expand, I slightly disagree on a few points:

It also used harder to find watch batteries and was prone to bugs and other issues. 

The HiddenPalace article has an unexpected bonus: the magazine cover’s claim that Eternal Champions was “Better than Street Fighter II...” I can vaguely recall those claims from that time, but I always assumed that was just marketing hyperbole. However, since that seems to be a direct quote, now I’m curious if who

Yeah, I was going to say 1997 at the very earliest with an amazingly advanced Quake 2 mod.

Part of this weekend will probably be house cleaning and reorganizing in preparation for Thanksgiving. Most years it’s not an issue because only my dad visits and he doesn’t care, but this year we have a few other family members coming to visit and I’d like to give at least a halfway decent impression.

So true. I didn’t do the ideal way to get Game Pass for years for $1, so I’ll have to start paying soon. It’s been a great way to play a bunch of games on XB1, even ones I own on disc, and I’m strongly considering paying the $10/month to keep using it.

Dang, I haven’t thought about this game in years. I can remember seeing it at some store soon after completing Myst. I thought it looked interesting but didn’t get it, so I must have decided it wasn’t good enough for my few gaming dollars. Now that I’ve seen some of it I’m glad I passed on it, otherwise I probably

Yeah, I can recall the wonder of things being interactive. To some extent it explains most of the now-questionable design choices for many websites, PC games, demo discs, etc. of the time.

And to be fair, if the player got one of the bad endings they may not know that Atrus can show up at the end.