Interesting. I think I saw that costume at a con recently but didn’t know the origin. That would definitely be less likely to appear than her normal costume.
Interesting. I think I saw that costume at a con recently but didn’t know the origin. That would definitely be less likely to appear than her normal costume.
I had forgotten how much SNK loves its fan service.
I’ve only ever lived on the west coast where Church’s hasn’t expanded yet, and in those areas it’s usually competition between Popeye’s and KFC. Just based on my personal experience Popeye’s usually has more black customers and employees.
I haven’t really followed the KOF series or related games in like 15 years. In the various games has Mai ever had alternate costumes that weren’t so revealing? The only alternatives I can clearly recall are just palette swaps. I know alternate costumes wouldn’t be as iconic, but they might reduce the amount of…
To some extent, yes. The older article linked has a pretty good breakdown of what happened:
I’d vote for BotW, at least when you’re just wandering around exploring, ignoring any tasks/missions.
Definitely Spider-Man and RDR2, at least if you’re trying to do the story missions. If you’re just wandering around doing whatever then it’s not too bad. Alternately, Deus Ex is difficult because it’s basically all missions. Thankfully they’re not time limited.
I think it’s been known since at least the 90s that increased caffeine intake has a negative effect on various aspects of sexual performance.
I agree with Foxstar that it likely comes down to money. In my experience RedBull is almost always more expensive by volume, so other brands with larger cans at the same price seem like a better value. That said, for some people (like myself) it also comes down to flavor and caffeine content. Some people just don’t…
I’d like to try this, but I’ve decided to avoid Game Fuel flavors as long as they continue to have the terrible plastic tab.
Given that patchwork of player-created content, it raises a question for me: on later plays is it possible for other players’ content to be loaded in a location where you previously built something? If so, is there any insight on how the game chooses which content to load? I’d be a little annoyed if I built a shelter…
Sharing is rewarded. These structures exist in a pseudo-social network where players can “like” those that they find useful. The more “likes” you get, the better. It contributes to a progression system that uses a variety of criteria...
Oh I’m aware of the origin. It’s just it got me thinking about the minutia of the series. Umbrella definitely fits the meme, because based on the info in the games step 2 really is “???”.
Yeah, without the blades most AC costumes just look like “period costume” or “weird pirate”.
I guess that makes sense. Astroneer didn’t seem to be targeted at any one age group, but I guess kids would be more likely to wear costumes.
That’s a good question. I can see a few possibilities, but I guess it really depends on what their end goal was for turning zombies (or maybe resurrection) into a product.
I agree 100% on motion aiming. I ultimately bought RE4 on 3 different platforms, and the Wii version was easily my favorite.
There’s also the counterpoint that some games require greater concentration/attention, and so the system’s portability and small screen aren’t really advantages.
My interpretation was that Umbrella’s business plan was something like “create apocalypses” or “be evil, but execute all plans poorly”.
Whilie I don’t disagree with your complaints for RE5 (I thought it was middling at best), “Nothing in this game makes any fucking sense” could apply to almost any entry in the series. For instance, these items off the top of my head: