
I’m glad to see that nobody appears to be saying the tourists’ behavior is okay, or that the geisha are at fault for being “exotic” and essentially inviting the behavior. That was a pretty weird result of the previous report about Gion.

This reminds me of calculations of how fast FPS characters can run. Of course video game characters move ridiculously fast, as that helps maintain difficulty levels in games, and counteracts a human player’s hand-eye twitch reaction times being faster than a human body can actually perform. Games based on realistic

Probably continuing to focus on Deus Ex Mankind Divided. I just made it the GARM base and I’m hoping I’m getting close to the end. I’ve gotten over my extreme curiosity in searching each level thoroughly, which has made things a bit faster.

The ritual that caused her to always be at the park on Fridays is notable, and also explains why she was there in the first place. It’s a valid fact to be reported, and is part of the 5 Ws. If her ritual was to eat McDonalds at the park every Friday then it would still be a valid fact to report, and websites focused

I can recall reading that there are also similarities to the original LoZ map. In a lot of ways BotW incorporates bits and pieces of many previous Zelda games, partly because it is in the future of several of them.

Those seem more likely, though robynstarry would be the person to ask.

That...  Doesn’t sound right.

Awesome, thanks!

Those N64 stickers are pretty nice.  Do you recommend any particular Etsy sellers/shops?

So many options.  I’ll probably focus on Deus Ex Mankind Divided, even though I don’t expect to finish it any time soon.  However, I still have Game Pass and a bunch of downloaded games I’d like to try out :(

The difference is that you would like to play the games. Also, most of them are relatively cheap if you don’t care about their current state (or just get the ROMs for free).  This guy just wants to own items of value/rarity.

Yeah, it’s a bit too vague. My reading of it was that it’s how long they’ve been working at collecting the games in question, though it’s unclear if the 3 already had any of the games in the first place.

It reminds me of how various rich “art collectors” buy up famous and valuable art then hide it away in vaults. But they don’t care about the art or that others might like to view it. It’s either for money investing (and sometimes laundering), or like this situation where they just want to own something for its value

Oddly, this particular game reminds me of a story arc from the Yu Yu Hakusho anime.

How do Analogue consoles’ hardware compare to similar products like the Retron series of consoles? For instance, the Retron5 which supports a bunch of consoles and has HDMI output? While the Analogue consoles definitely look sleek and futuristic, I wouldn’t mind saving space in my livingroom with fewer retro consoles.

That would work, especially for something long running like the Assassin’s Creed series.

Yeah, 3D platformers can be hit or miss even now. However, if that was a person’s favorite genre during the PS1/N64 generation, then they’ll probably be okay.

For people that might have been out of the loop for longer (such as missing a few generations) there is the problem of adapting to increased complexity in many games. I think a good option would be to play a current game that is a similar the last one they remember enjoying. Potentially they could even play the

The firm puts in a small amount of money and borrows a large amount of money in order to purchase a big company. That debt is owed by the company itself. Now the PE firm owns a company, and the company has a huge amount of debt that it didn’t have before.

I’m hoping to put a good chunk of time into the same games as last week: Deus Ex Mankind Divided on my own, Saints Row 2 or 3 online with a friend.  Then again, it depends on which games are free with Gold and PS+ right now, so there might be some changes.  I’m also feeling like going back to Spider-Man and/or Days