
As long as it’s not the first GBA model, right? I’ve had a GBA SP for years, which works great, and other GBA models should be good.

That could work in a lot of cases. It might scare away some consumers who just want to use the coins in their pocket, though how big that effect is really depends on how common debit/credit card use is now in Japan. More importantly how would they handle an arcade with machines with different costs (i.e. a video game c

As mentioned, the problem has more to do with the “one coin” expectation. No matter how small the increase is there aren’t many options for changing a 100 yen game to some other coin. The US doesn’t have this issue because any expectation of always using 1 quarter died decades ago, so a lot of games are based on the

A friend and I will likely continue Saints Row 3 (which we started at random last weekend).  It’s been great fun so far.  With #3 the series really embraced how ridiculous it is, continuing into #4. On my own I’ll probably continue Deus Ex Mankind Divided.  I’ve just moved on to the third main area after spending a

I think your point makes a good argument for fine tuning the ranking system.  In particular, basing the system around multiple variables, and not just W/L ratio.

“A switch player capped at an unstable 30 FPS is still going to be at a disadvantage to a pc player that can play at over 60 FPS. It doesn’t matter the skill level.” Are a mobile phone and PC player of similar “skill” actually equally matched given their inputs? 

My wife has used most these for cooking, though a few are definitely meant to be a condiment (Sriracha and Mae Ploy for sure). I could be mistaken, but I think a number of them are normally meant to be an ingredient for a dish. For instance, Gochujang is a paste, which makes it difficult as a condiment, but makes it

Your comparison is facetious. Hallucinations are already plausible and exist in reality, so they shouldn’t ever break anyone’s suspension of disbelief.

I’ve had the same issue with other games. For instance, I picked up Days Gone after a few weeks and wasn’t sure what I needed to do next (though that might have just been a symptom of the game being so long/slow).

Yeah, after doing one or two of the Riddler missions I gave up on completing anything other than the main game. In fact, the car tracks were one thing that pushed my suspension of disbelief too far. It just made no sense that Riddler could build these Nascar-sized tracks underground without anyone noticing, even if he

Not so far, though I don’t think I’m very far in. 

I vaguely recall that, though I assumed it was Konami making that claim.  If it was Kojima then I’d take that as truth.

I might look into that, though my current computer might not be powerful enough.

I’ll have to check on that. Though it feels like that won’t work, if only because the demo shouldn’t exist on any servers to be available to download.

I don’t think I know anyone near me that still has it (one friend had it, but deleted it to make space right before the demo was pulled).  While it was a fairly popular demo, the number of people that still have it available to share is relatively small and shrinking by the day.

I’ll probably keep plugging away at Deus Ex Mankind Divided. I’ve been playing for ~20 hours and just now got to my character’s office (curse my desire to investigate the whole city first, though skulking through the bank’s guts for no good reason is pretty fun). I’ll probably also play random co-op games online with

I like the callout for Fester’s Quest, but I don’t remember it being a very linear game. At least nowhere near to Ghosts and Goblins (or any other arcade platformer). Then again, I haven’t played it in years so I could be misremembering.

I find it humorous that the video says viewers should first experience PT in its original form.  Which has been basically impossible for several years.

In my experience demos are usually just a cutdown version of the final game. Assuming the content of PT would have been in Silent Hills, then it’s possible that some of the content for the final game happened to get pulled in. 

I’m waiting for the picture of a flock of geese in a karate gi.