
I’m leaning toward sarcasm. Most people in the “integrity in gaming journalism” crowd have long since changed their tactics to avoid using the phrase. Also, if you point out that their argument is one of the many “integrity in gaming journalism” claims they will just accuse you of twisting their words.

Oooh, and if he “loses” it’s only because he remembered there’s a sale at the grocery store and needs to leave.

I could see an alternate route where he doesn’t really fight and just absorbs opponents’ attacks. So all his attack buttons just do other things, like taunts and dodges. So eventually he gets tired of them and just wins if they don’t do enough damage in the time limit. However, this route might be more boring than the

I really enjoyed the show. I’m a bit sad there hasn’t been another season. The one episode with bad food, I think the second or third, made it seem like the show might do a variety of food quality. That wouldn’t have been bad, just different from what the rest of the show did. It just makes the one episode seem out of

I’m not playing as much because I’ll be driving one day, then hanging with family the next. Then next weekend is the reverse. What can I say, it’s a vacation to visit family. Anyway, I’ll probably only have my Switch and DS to play on, so I’ll probably focus on Resident Evil Revelations 2 on Switch and Legend of Zelda

I can say from experience that the “supply” is only good for the first 30-60 minutes before getting too soggy. That is, unless they somehow acquired bags of the frozen chicken filets and jars of the sauce, in which case that’s a different story.

I think Arcanum is saying that Chik-fil-a is “Christian”, or at least claims to be.

Yeah, I can recall seeing this once with a random person off in the distance, but by the time I got over to take a closer look the character model was back to normal.

Kuntz believes it is because Arneson had been running Blackmoor for months now and had been able to furnish players with an immersive experience from repetition and recollection. Regardless, Kuntz describes himself as the first “dungeon master.”

My main arcade playing was probably during 87 to 94, and for whatever reason I don’t recall observing those behaviors. I’m not sure if I was lucky, missed the prime period for those behaviors, or I just happened to play at less populous arcades. Then again, I could just be forgetting things :S

So the studio did actually modify some in-game content, albeit content that 3D Realms insists is “inaccessible without hacking the game.”

I think you kind of prove my point, as anyone using the Infinite Stones will be able to beat her. Also, I don’t think it matters where a person’s powers come from, even if it’s from external items like the stones. Otherwise several characters should be considered powerless, including Iron Man.

That would be somewhat fitting. I wouldn’t be surprised if his name showed up when Hydra’s targeting system started coming online near the end of Winter Soldier.

I remember that it existed, though I don’t think I ever got a chance to watch it. I definitely didn’t know the show referenced other Marvel things. I just assumed it followed the movies by ignoring the rest of the Marvel universe. I might have to track down the show for streaming.

She’s pretty powerful in some ways, but the way Thanos basically knocked her out in Endgame shows that she’s not at Superman levels (and in general Marvel characters are less powerful than DC characters). She just happens to be one of the most powerful characters introduced so far. She’s definitely not the most


It never occurred to me that the Netflix Marvel shows never reference Moon Knight. I just assumed I missed a name drop somewhere. Anyway, MK has always been in a weird grey area of being a street level hero, but also wrapped up in various supernatural stuff, occasionally teaming up with other heroes of varying power le

On my own I’ll probably continue Deus Ex, though with these games I’m addicted to searching and stealing so it may take a while to complete. At some point I may go back to my various PS4 games :S As for co-op gaming, last week I started playing Minecraft with a friend who is already a little bit established in his