More accurately, they all claimed he was the fastest in the universe. I get the feeling there isn’t some sort of Guinness Book of Universal Records in the DB universe to confirm he was the actual fastest.
More accurately, they all claimed he was the fastest in the universe. I get the feeling there isn’t some sort of Guinness Book of Universal Records in the DB universe to confirm he was the actual fastest.
So it’s QWOP for skateboarding? :P
Does the co-op allow for easy party play? I’ve always wanted a Soulslike game that was geared toward co-op. The Dark Souls games’ multiplayer design is interesting, but is marred by the overall direction toward antagonism and the roadblocks preventing normal co-op.
You know, I hadn’t considered that particular starting point. It makes me think that some of the worst commentators are the same people that still champion software piracy.
I’ve seen a few articles that initially looked that way, but the various terrible people eventually showed up and fulfilled everyone’s expectations.
It seems to me that most of Epic’s publicity problems would be avoided if they offered at least 2 choices: Epic exclusivity with 88% take, or a non-exclusive deal with a lower take (probably similar to the one on Steam). Then again, Epic is trying to carve out their own part of the market with exclusives, so they…
I’m really curious how an event like this was even created. Did the devs approach Korn? Did Korn contact MMO companies to see if any of them wanted to help launch a new song/album? Does one of the band members already play Adventure Quest 3D?
That was my thought too. From a technical standpoint I’d guess that a live performance would introduce all kinds of hurdles, such as lining up the band’s in-game character animations with their performance.
Even with the MMORPG aspect it still might have been 1999. Everquest was released that year, plus other MMOs had already been around for a few years.
You know, I had completely forgotten that Korn’s song in South Park was actually unveiled there. I was wondering why Korn would drop a new song in something so random, but that episode and this game event might indicate a trend where Korn drops new songs in the weirdest places possible. Or it might just be random…
I used to, especially with the Armored Core series. Unfortunately it’s not the most comfortable way to hold a controller for me, causing my ring and pinky fingers to cramp (though I can’t vouch for others). Also, I don’t need that style as often because not enough of the games I play require simultaneous or fast…
I think my original idea was more like a ball shape to maximize palm contact for holding it. Then again, a keyboard shape could work. They key difficulty is how to hold it without accidental input.
Yeah, being able to have buttons for every finger ends up requiring a serious redesign of the controller, and would probably end up looking alien compared to what we’re used to.
Yeah, the style shown in the article is definitely problematic (though the complaints about AC’s controls are valid). Potentially, like with my idea, if the shoulder buttons were properly positioned then there could be 8 shoulder buttons. However, the difficulty there is ergonomics to accommodate hands of various…
I think when I made the comment years ago I wasn’t able to load the videos for some reason. Whatever the case was, you are correct.
I’m reminded of the people who pipe in saying “X isn’t actually racist/sexist/homophobic because of Y”. That might have been true initially. Sure, 4chan might trolled us all with the OK hand symbol not originally being a secret racist thing. But the origin of a thing doesn’t matter as much when…
Did any of the games on the console take advantage of the 6-button controller? I’m guessing none of the games absolutely required it, otherwise Sega would have defaulted to the 6-button long before release. I would go look up all the games, but I figure someone has already listed it out somewhere.
You’re probably right that I’m mixing up those two. I did learn about several of those unnecessary rules around the same time.
I’m glad to know that at least some part of YT comments is actually nice.
A wizard did it :)