
I’m 95% sure there were diagonal attacks. Either way, I remember it being a neat addition for controlling the attacks. However, I can’t recall if the direction of attack actually mattered, as in “attacking from X direction is Y% more likely to hit due to Z reason.”

To some extent that’s true, though I can’t recall if Daggerfall was one of the first. More likely randomly generated games were around for several years, but Daggerfall was one of the first really popular games to use it. As I recall, most or all of the towns were built by the devs, along with most or all of the

Without a contract it can be difficult, especially since many of the people affected were in different countries.

Yeah, even if he strongly believed some of the claims he made, he still withheld lots of important information (which is at least a lie of omission), and misrepresented facts all over the place.

I love it. Though that would be an especially tricky one, since it occurs in the cutscene after the first boss. Sort of a “your first time’s free” gambit.

My suspicion is that this game isn’t supposed to account for real physics, or at least that’s how Vos wants the game to work. For me that’s the only thing that makes sense for how this “ride” is supposed to work as described in the article: with the riders getting to the end then riding the whole thing back in

“Black people run fast” is an old stereotype, and is probably the reason why so few speedster characters have been black. That said, that specific stereotype seems to be gradually fading away, so I think we’re just in an odd point in time where the stereotype could be avoided to play it safe, but it might not be

On its own, the swapping of characters’ races isn’t racist.  However, “black people run fast” is an ancient stereotype, and is probably the reason why so few speedster characters are black.

I was really only interested in the movie when I heard the rumor that Bruce Lee fights Manson and his followers at the end. It sounds like that doesn’t happen?

Yeah, “Modesto is liberal” was confusing to me too. I grew up in Fresno and I can pretty fairly say that the Central Valley is the Bible Belt for California. The only thing I can think of is that Modesto is just close enough to SF that it is now sort of a suburb of SF, and as a result has quickly become more liberal.

Hemingway and his books are not haunted.

Yeah, when dealing with Marvel and DC, especially outside of the comics, there are tons of business-minded decisions that negatively affect interesting storytelling. I think that’s why the most interesting superhero stories for me have been from other brands.

Based on what you said, I think the only one of his movies that you might enjoy (or at least hate less) is Jackie Brown. It’s probably the least violent of his movies, and its a fairly well done crime drama that doesn’t get up its own ass with many of the “tricks” he uses in other films.

Though at that point the articles will probably be about how someone developed a new machine learning AI to find an even more perfect run through the game because it found previously unknown bugs to exploit.

I like how Paste Pot Pete is his official name again, and he’s just accepted it. I can recall at least a few comics from way back where he tried to go by Trapster, but Spider-Man just wasn’t having any of that.

Was that a game, comic, or something else?

That’s a fair response. To be honest, I should have pointed out that it wasn’t bad. It was just a memorable event from the class for two reasons: 
- The guy was just an odd person. For instance, he was really into the Ernest movies and I think he cried when Jim Varney died. 
- That particular short story was well

I guess someone felt the need to give it one last shot, though.

That’s really cool. But does it also include the invisible geometry portions that show up in random parts of the PS2 version of the map? 

That’s much better than my creative writing classes. The most memorable things were a religious woman bringing demons into the real world in violation of the teacher’s writing prompt (no genre works), and a weird guy writing a story about Jurassic Park dinosaurs fighting each other.