
I felt like he was playing it safe a lot of the time. As others have mentioned, a lot of the questions were poorly worded at best, and at worst were partisan BS that nobody in their right mind would want to wade into. So most of the time he asked them to restart their questions into something he can reasonably answer,

I’ve heard similar stories for the Marathon games with either a pistol or melee, though it’s been a while so I’m not sure what the exact requirements were.

It’s sort of interesting that the triggering bit values are 001, 011, and 110, which translates to 1, 3, and 6. It’s interesting to me as those are the same values used in Super Mario Brothers for the fireworks at the end of a level. Possibly a coincidence. I’ve found that the programmer for MTPO was named Masato

Possibly even Shaggy-level ability.

Along similar lines, the Might and Magic series had at least a few references to Star Trek when discussing “the ancients”. For instance, one dungeon had something that required a passcode that was the ancients’ ship number, and the number turned out to be 1701. For players that don’t know Star Trek then it means

I seem to recall that even Fallout 2 had some continuity issues over Fallout 1, though I could be remembering wrong. If true, it seems like that would be a feature of the series, not a bug.

Overall easter eggs are a huge grey area. I agree with Burgess that a good easter egg should fit into the game world and avoid taking the player out of the game (unless that’s how the game rolls, like the Deadpool game). For instance, a game could have a weird or crazy character that talks like a doge meme instead of

When you say there are 30 characters at launch, does that mean for the whole game or just at the beginning of the game’s story? The previous games unlocked a lot of characters through progression. Also, are any characters officially planned for DLC? I’m curious how large the roster will end up being and if my favorite

Which platform are you playing Duke Nukem 3D on? PC, or one of the various console ports? As for the Emerald and Ruby weapons, good luck with those. I recall from back in the day that high/max level characters were necessary, though I think I’ve read about tricky ways to beat them easily.

Oddly, I’m planning to minimize my game playing so I can get caught up on my comics reading, mainly because I’m easily a year behind and I need to pick up more soon before my subscription box overflows. I’ve been buying new issues fairly regularly and keep them by the bed where I’m most likely to read them. However,

Edward Furlong originated the role in Terminator 2: Judgement Day

While Nova would be cool, I get the feeling they’re building up to introducing some version of him in the MCU. For TV my vote would be for a much more feasible show as far as effects and budget, such as Moon Knight.

The attacker said to police “something had been stolen” from him.

Consistency-wise, there’s always a chance he’ll choke on a piece of chicken skin from KFC crunchy recipe chicken.

On the bright side, the eventual Trump Presidential Library will be super cheap. I’m picturing a public bathroom storage closet stocked with a half dozen grubby copies of Mein Kampf.

There are 3 flavors I’m aware of for this new Gamer Fuel. I don’t recall any of them being particularly horrible, but none of them were very good. I felt they were all much sweeter than most other Dew flavors. The lid was probably the main draw for me, but only as a curiosity. Then again, I was also curious what they

I don’t know about the sandwich, but the commercials are utterly terrible.

The way that Jeep just kind of flips into the driveway, seemingly normally parked, is pretty amazing, too

The tricky part there is the Twitch users that are technically hands-free. It’s an annoying loophole that most of those laws weren’t designed for, mainly because the laws generally predate smartphones. There are plenty of features/apps on smartphones now that are technically hands-free, but also take much more

Yeah, for the most part this is what the complaining looks like to me. The only concern I’ve seen that seemed somewhat valid is with the tournament scene, in that the lack of some pokemon could skew things in the long run. Then again, I don’t know that scene very well, so I have no idea if there are ways around that.