My friend, with whom I’ve been watching anime since elementary school, has rewatched the series six times, and argued that seeing just half of it wasn’t enough for me to form a judgment on whether it was to my taste.
My friend, with whom I’ve been watching anime since elementary school, has rewatched the series six times, and argued that seeing just half of it wasn’t enough for me to form a judgment on whether it was to my taste.
After getting sidetracked with other stuff last weekend (mainly SRGE) I’m glad that I’ll be able to play more this weekend. I’m planning to continue Days Gone (fingers crossed that I can start hitting the hordes), Resident Evil Revelations 2, Astroneer, and maybe a few others. However, I also got the $1 Xbox Game…
I get the feeling they haven’t thought out the “ex-vaxxer” title, as my first thought was “smooth move ex-vax” (which is just a terrible dad pun, I know).
Oddly, this reminds me of MXC, at least the bits when all 100(?) initial contestants had to compete at once.
Yeah, when I read that I was reminded of the line “don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.” Their argument is just obvious willful ignorance.
Since I don’t follow competitive Smash I’m curious: Was Bocchi’s strategy against Snake only effective because Isabelle is relatively unknown? I’m asking because your breakdown of the match made it sound like there was more to it, and Isabelle’s abilities are very effective at countering Snake’s abilities. However,…
I’m honestly surprised that this is the first time it’s occurred on air.
It might have just been random luck that I didn’t hit any huge/memorable bugs in Enter, though it’s equally likely that it’s just been too long and I’ve forgotten things. Whatever the case, it might have to do with platforms a bit. I played Enter on the PS2, but Neo on PC.
I don’t recall seeing any bugs in Enter The Matrix, though I also haven’t played it since the year it was released. It’s main flaws for me were being too short and having limited combat options. On the other hand, I recall Path Of Neo being buggy and unpolished. Since both games were released on multiple platforms I…
I can see a few situations where MS wouldn’t or couldn’t get the rights:
I could see both occurring. Whatever event that occurred in the trailer also devastates all of the BotW map. As a result, Link needs to find some macguffin in a new region before he can go back to the main map area from BotW.
That was my thought too, though the key question for me is if items can be repaired after breaking, or only before that point. I could see it as the items being too far gone once they’re fully broken. Also, can any weapon be repaired? Some don’t make much sense, like sticks and clubs. There’s a lot of aspects to…
Yeah, AoS definitely missed the boat on dealing with the Snap. They should have just said that it occurred during the 1 year break, and it’s just making everything more difficult for Shield. Then have a time jump between this season and the next to put the show’s timeline after Endgame.
a popular streamer who parodies toxic gamers by just straight up being one
There’s nothing in it for him to apologize.
Thanks for breaking down the events of the timelines. That shows pretty clearly that the current season of AoS should probably be post-snap. Honestly, the biggest problem for combining the movies with any show now will be that 5 year time jump in Endgame, which means there is this relatively huge gap where most shows…
Also, I’ve been playing Crystalis on the Switch SNK collection. It’s been weirdly difficult, if only because I’ve gotten used to “modern” games that have maps and quest trackers. Having to take notes and draw maps is a skill I haven’t seriously used in years. The other games in the SNK collection are okay, but I think…
Yet another weekend of Days Gone. I’m not sure if I’m playing slowly or if this is just a really long game. It seems like I’ve hit at least 1 major plot point that could have been the end of the game (dealing with the Rippers). But now there’s a whole other group? Anyway, I’ll keep plugging away at it, and hopefully…
That’s true. It would have made sense to use that controller, but I guess they’re going for the nostalgia factor on this. On the other hand, if they were going for the best controller possible, I would prefer if they just created an updated controller that used the d-pad and buttons from the Dreamcast, as those were…
But that’s half the fun of the series. Who will be carrying the idiot ball this week?