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The expression Jesse gives when Woody gives her his sheriff badge is stunning. She goes from confused to really, really sad to super happy and proud in a 10 second shot. I kind of believe that both Jessie and Bo should have gotten acting noms

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I could go into so much detail about how wonderful this movie is, how timeless and magical, and why even to this day it is justly lauded as titan of modern cinema. But you’ve heard it all before so really, why bother?

I’m opening Camp Archaean. My park features various pools of goo and other oozes and nothing that chases you down and eats you so, aside from the fatal lack of free oxygen, nothing there kills people.

Philbin was famous long before his 1988 daytime show. 20 years earlier he notoriously quit the Joey Bishop Show on live television. A stunt that years later was revealed to have all been a hoax to steal ratings from The Tonight Show.

While we’re getting rid of disability superpowers, can we also kill the trope of scientific proficiency being a nearly innate ability, rather than the result of years of dedicated study and lab work?

Are all the profiles bad? . . .

Great Scott!

The entire conceit of the show is that they can’t choose. That’s why the reactions of the developers when confronted with their short term future was so terrifying to them. They tried to fight it, they tried to contradict it and they couldn’t. Katie and Forest have already been through all that and as a result they

I always kinda imagines that House M.D. was the sequel to Doogie Howser.   

Jack’s playing on rejoyce is the best.

Truly incredible how much people get off on moral high ground on this website.

A friend of mine used to work in the Grateful Dead house in the ‘90s. She’s got tons of crazy pictures.

Oh, calm down. No one’s fantasizing. It got really irritating trying to get to work with twenty people standing in the street taking pictures most days of the week. That’s it. I’m sorry my brand of offhanded, exaggerated humor didn’t meet your approval, officer. This is a comments section on a sarcastic-as-fuck

Well, as Maeve said it, humans plagiarize themselves. I hope Nolan does! While I have seen a lot of people wary of where this show is going, his work on PoI does give me more confidence we will see things through in a good way.

When they went into detail as to the safeguards that Simon Marketing had in place, I was actually impressed. They certainly weren’t haphazard in their approach. But the holographic stickers error was a huge. It led to an amazing scam that would have gone on years longer were it not for the informant.

Just hopping on to this one to note that I loved the Rehoboam-as-wall-art in Maeve’s room at the end.

These are the same people that made person of interest, and now cerac is the original programmer of the machine that nobody knows exists.  Reho is going to be a character.

The interesting question will be whether Rehoboam is conscious (at least, in a way similar to how hosts are). The Forge AI was pretty sophisticated, but did only what was instructed; it seemed conscious on some level but not like the hosts. Does Rehoboam have higher-order desires (like PoI’s Machine and Samaritan) or

listen to the lyrics it is in there. 

And if she had been more careful with her code on the briefcase.