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As a spy Clint’s reticence about personal details would be a reflex. The only reason he started opening up to Kate about Natasha was that he’d known her for a few days and she’d earned his trust.

But all the world knows about the events on Vormir is what Clint has told them. A person like Valentina could easily twist the happenstance of Natasha’s death as “convenient.”

The time to tell Clint would have been during the rescue from the Raft... which occurred off-screen.

I love the fact that ordinary citizens of the MCU use phrases like “Avengers-level threat”. I prefer those little lived-in details over any slavish devotion to comics-accurate continuity.

Ant-Man’s appearance in “Rogers: The Musical” gibes with my pet theory of “How Much the Public Knows and How They Know It”:

These “Little Women”... are they scary little?

And if you think Hawkeye’s comic-accurate costume was goofy, the Swordsman’s costume had a dorsal fin.

Did they have to find an actual one-eyed dog for the role?

So she thinks she’s Whitney Houston?

Emmy recognition for a fantasy series was always a long-shot. Even for a Disney production.

Somewhere...Artie Simek smiles

I haven’t seen this episode yet, but Mother “flies” by means of anti-gravity propulsion. As evidenced by the episode where she escapes Marcus’ trap — objects surrounding her at ground level start leaving the surface of the planet before she does. The reason we’ve never seen the phenomenon before is because previously

Or maybe the writers deliberately chose a long-dead historical belief system so that the story wouldn’t get bogged down in real-world doctrine. Seems to me that the series has more to do with the influence of Belief and Faith than it has it do with parallel worlds.

Oh, you’re just upset cause they passed on your Two Funerals and A Really, Really Big Fight treatment.

Wow, Disney certainly knows how to generate demand. But how does marketing top “riding a pandemic” next time?

Wait, you’re assuming that pettiness, impulsivity and vindictiveness are the learned behaviors? Try assuming the opposite and see if Campion makes more sense as a character.

I’m blushing. We agreed we’d never talk about that night.

It has taken me this many episodes to categorize this show: it’s a parable with science fiction trappings.

If they’re cutting back it seems more like the service should be re-branded as the “Disney Pocket Universe”.

Geez, Jeff: even Walter White had to start out as likable.