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Best Performance by an Animated Character goes to...

AI copy editing isn't quite ready for the field. Yet.

Honestly, my nanny thought she was apprenticing me to a pi-LOT. Stupid woman, but a great rack.

...and all of the video games only had 4-bit graphics.”

“...and as he gazed down into the beckoning maw, there he saw a horror unlike those previously known to the civilized world. At least he thought it was “down”. He couldn’t be sure... but something gripped his very soul. At least he thought it was his soul... but he was losing track of his train of thought, in

My error on the “authoritarian” flub.

I wish you people would make up your mind: is Trump a totalitarian or a is he too hands-off?

A lot of people would have said “fun”, but I can understand your confusion.

Soulworld looks pretty rumpled and due for a make-over.

Odd, I was really expecting Soul to launch the new ICE service.

Thinking more on the title, I expect that young Campion and Paul are analogues for Romulus and Remus of myth. Not that the show has been making any heavy-handed parallels to the establishment of Rome; just that they are meant to be two competing forces with the same goal.

Being “in love” doesn’t have to mean “wants to fuck.” And Mother was the one who brought up “love”, anyway. Elder Campion’s attitude on the subject seemed pretty “sure, yeah, whatever you say” to me.

I dunno, I’m expecting more allusions to Roman history to make sense of the title.

The catalog of sexual adventures in “Drops of Jupiter” makes it an odd homage to Mom.

Though abrupt, the shift in rhyme structure seemed earned to me; the Kid’s life was abruptly falling apart from “patrons” who weren’t paying up, dead “low-rent friends,” and even the risk of exposure from the people down the hall.

Though an abrupt change in the flow of the song, it felt earned to me; the Kid’s life as an Owsley-surrogate was abruptly imploding with “patrons” suddenly not paying up, dead “low-rent friends” and even the people down the hall possibly reporting him to the cops.

Are actors just particularly stupid when it comes to cults?

So that makes Ezra the runner-up

At least Deke managed to keep his shoes on. That put him ahead of McLain from the get-go.