Zardoz Mobile

Only Nathaniel and Kora herself were expecting Kora to be significant to Daisy. They overlooked the fact that Daisy already had an established “family” with her SHIELD colleagues.

The “trio of evil nerds” were a feint until Evil Willow showed up. They were sort of like Saruman was to Sauron, except that Saruman was the villian that none of the good guys saw coming.

I forget, was JFK assassinated in this alternate history?

Of course it’s fun to be Iron Man. Cause he can do whatever an iron can...

Maybe Asimov just didn’t know how to write women characters.

But the period... is followed by a colon. A colon. So is the word-combination a sentence? Or is it a phrase that stops then starts again? Did the headline writer tie up the typesetter and lock him/her in a closet, his/her full mad headline-writing scheme yet to be completed?

Speaking of “sound”, I was floored by the simple-yet-elegant choice of ambient sound to signal the build-up of the Helius device to critical mass. (Most programs fall back on balancing all background noise in the middle of the listening space). I didn’t even know my AirPods could produce “surround sound” until that

Pricing HBOMax at the same point as HBONow seems intended to avoid throwing too much change at once at us consumers. But if I was an employee of the “Now” division, I’d be polishing up my resume.

Or the name will become a future malaprop for a type of sweater, used as a throw-away why-don’t-my-kids-don’t-understand-me gag.

Now there’s 20 years of therapy-in-the-making.

I believe the five emotions were chosen because they are primal. In that regard, Disgust is protective, keeping us from doing stupid things like eating things that would make us sick, etc.

And as far as working at a start-up goes, Riley’s dad isn’t even one of the principles in the company, is he? Isn’t like one of the background engineers hired in the later seasons of Silicon Valley, paid partially with a salary but also with stock options that are only as valuable moment-to-moment as Pied Piper itself

Wow, I hadn’t made that connection: as Riley is growing up and learning to mix her emotions, the avatars of her Emotions are learning to mix Themselves.

Again with the “privilege”? Did anyone else pay attention to that apartment? It was a dump, but it was the kind of place I aspired to when I was washing dishes. A one-income family of three that had a medium 6-figure income would be living... elsewhere in San Francisco.

But the financial concerns belong to the parents, not Riley. As for “privilege”, how many parents discuss the particulars of the family’s finances with the kids? All my parents would ever say was “we can’t afford that right now”, and that ended the discussion.

“Perry Mason, Asshole-at-Law”:that’s the pitch. What have you got team, what have you got...?

Ayyyyye, I saw an F5... but just th’ one time. It’s winds were so fierce they could peel th’ paint from a barn. And the sound... the sound. Well, if I ever hear that sound agin, it’ll be when I’m staring into the gaping maw of the Divvil hisself...

Dear Uncle Ben,

About those “talking” dogs. Wasn’t it clear to everyone that the dogs’ communication is assisted by their dog collars? Sure, the tech is unlikely. But the collars are just a story-telling device to give each of the dogs a distinct (albeit canine) personality.

Giving credit where credit is due, though, at least the “talking” dogs have dog motivations and dog tendencies. They’re not four-legged humans.