Zardoz Mobile

Well, well, it looks like ABC is migrating some its programming from Hulu to its own app — without requiring a cable subscription. At last, maybe?

Actually as a fantasy it just needs self-consistency. For instance, even allowing that Frederickson could possibly inflate “enough” gallons to carry his house aloft in the first place, the house also loses elevation as it loses balloons.

Hmm, defund the police and give the found money to social programs?

Nah, it’s just coincidental that her last name was Toklas.

These also serve who only stand and wait. And tend bar.

How about kidnapping Baby Hitler and exchanging him with, oh, one of the Romanov brats? Hijinks will ensue...

A Yankee Doodle Dandy, that one...

Chuck left the Cunningham Cult. That’s why he was never heard from or mentioned again.

Patty: Here’s what I’ve got so far — “Happy birthday to you/Happy birthday to you/Happy birthday/Happy birthday/Happy birthday to you.” What do you think?

Alas, the desktop publishing boom of the 80s never resulted in a Golden Age of Typesetting. This has to be Steve Jobs’ biggest failure, even bigger than the Newton.

Marion Berry would have been funnier.

She’s a tweet widdle buhd in dilded tage...

Was it in a speaking or a lurching role? That’d make a difference.

The ending at the compound was insane. How could one man take out the entire group Mike sent to kill Lalo. And where is Nacho? Isn’t Lalo wondering what happened to him? Will he dare go back to the US?

That trip to Kentucky takes 11 1/2 to 13 hours on today’s interstates, one-way. But the roads in the 40's weren’t nearly as good nor as direct as what we have today — especially if the Levins were avoiding the “main road.”

Cupcakes are for closers!

What the Devs team (including Katie and Forest) seem to be experiencing is similar to the phenomenon of “semantic satiation”, the sensation that occurs when repetition of a word temporarily robs it of its meaning. Members of the team are “terrified” of the implications, but Katie and Forest have both been numbed by the

Why not complete the circle and have NPH reprise Hugh Laurie’s role? Even the name is right there: Howser.

Apparently anything programmable is within her reach. But servomechanisms like the guns just don’t give her enough to work with (specifically data collected), so her control is less exact.
