Zardoz Mobile

I felt that the “Philosophy 101" lecture was just ground-work for the conceptual leap that the Devs project was making possible. But since Lily hasn’t actually seen the simulations, Katie’s words were just so much “insanity”.

I expected him to run over the Frisbee, as a show of solidarity.

Or maybe specifically on Division Street under an overpass? Because Multiplication Street is too far up town?

We’ve only seen the Dolores personality (timid, polite, demure) on display fleetingly since the Wyatt reveal. But we have seen the Wyatt personality (aggressive, decisive, manipulative) as a prominent aspect of the Dolores host ever since The Man in Black evoked it in the first season.

The song Levin sings at the diner, “On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away”, was a deep-pull for a 2020 television production. But the song itself has a rich history in the innovation of the first cylinder phonograph recordings, sheet music, and in the formulation of copyright law itself.

I just did a Google map examination of the neighborhood. Except for that sign above (which looks like it’s being swallowed by the Ben & Jerry’s behind it), it looks there’s nothing left of the hippie era in that area. (As Paul Kanter borrowed from some sci-fi writer of the period: “Life is change/How it differs from

Because new ideas are hard to think of...

Reminder to self: purchase After Bathing at Baxter’s with tiny part of stimulus check. It’s time for a refresh because, except for the “Ballad of You & Me and Pooneil,” none of those other tracks are ringing a bell.

If my “approval” was what it took to get you “out of the grays”, sorry for the delay. I just assumed Kinja had an Approval Committee reading these posts.

Last week Lyndon managed to clean up the audio by employing “algorithms” (logical steps derived from math) based on a theory which allowed for the existence of multiple universes. Forest fired his ass for doing it because he rejects the multiple universe theory on the principle that multiple actions implies multiple

If my child died, I would probably be as fearlessly driven and simmering with rage as Forest was in creating a billion dollar corporation.

The Viet Cong? When did the Ho Chi Minh trail get extended to Chicago?

If it wasn’t clear to us before, Kim lamp-shaded it in this episode: Jimmy/Saul is a liar. From here on, we can assume anything he told Walt was just a some kind of fabrication. Or not, depending on what Saul was trying to accomplish at the moment.

Oh well, I guess one episode spent on the bunny slope is... okay. But I hope it’s not a trend, because HBO is a premium channel and I expected more when I re-upped my subscription.

Now that each episode has started with a Rehoboam interstitial, I hope Reho becomes a character itself. (Yes, I watched Person of Interest. Why do you ask?)

You don’t “fold ’em”, you poke pinholes into the spokes of the wheels on the back. Geez, doesn’t anybody know how to mark cards anymore?

I was re-imagining the scene and I couldn’t decide whether “scarf” or “kerchief” was more accurate. Since a kerchief is more like a bandana than it’s like an elegant addition to a woman’s ensemble, “scarf” is good enough.


That, and “imagining” as a plan of action, what’s that? Hey, I’ll imagine I’m in the Beatles... whew, glad that’s over. All that touring really takes it out of a guy...

Yes. It’s only two lines, but it’s as vivid an image as the kerchief dropping from Rita Moreno’s hands in West Side Story.