Zardoz Mobile

Yeah, I got the symbolism; it wasn’t that subtle. But the situations were significantly different: the bus driver didn’t *own* the bus he was driving. And in the unlikely event that he had to account for the fares he collected every day, he probably made up the difference out of his own pocket before the end of his

Watch the scene again. We don’t know anything at all about what lead up to the shop-owner throwing Bebe out of the store. How long, for example, had May Ling been crying? How long had Bebe been pleading? And maybe the shop-owner was just an unfeeling B with problems (personal or because of the store) of her own.

FBI Medvan? I guess Gus Fring isn’t the only one with a convert, on-call medical unit.

Pretty thin premise. Lindbergh did oppose getting into WWII (until the Pearl Harbor attack). And in an address he did identify Jews (and the British and the Roosevelt administration) as the three groups pressing for involvement in the war. But he never publicly identified himself as a Nazi.

It’s basically a ‘power corrupts’ type dealie, imo at least.

The acting in this show seems fine to me.

I dunno, the fact that they made the actual clearing up of the image integral to the determinism/magic, multiverse-or-not themes seemed very purposeful. They couldn’t have done without pulling back the curtain a little bit in the previous episode first.

I suppose kicking over a composting bucket would have been too on the nose.

Didn’t the producers want to end The Office a couple of seasons earlier than they did? But NBC just kept throwing money at em?

So did Elena interview Janet Reno before or after Waco?

True, but you’ve got to pick your moment. It’s like repeatedly jumping in a falling elevator so that you’re mid-air when the crash happens.

Oh yeah, the teens on Spring Break. When I hear stories like that I wonder how human beings became the dominant species on the planet.

For Pete’s sake, the term is “martial law.” It is “law administered by military (martial) forces that is invoked by a government in an emergency when the civilian law enforcement agencies are unable to maintain public order and safety.”

The near-total absence of people on the street is eerily prescient of how San Francisco looks this week.

So... a clip show without the clips? Do they all even have to be in the same studio for that?

About that trip to the grocery:

Interesting. Since fire has been a practical effect for most of the history of movies, what you write suggests that the effort has gone into creating an “unnatural”, more photogenic profile for fire.

For a program with such nuanced plotting, the fire VFX as a clue was less so. Repeated identical flame patterns over a few seconds of time? It would have been more impressive, for instance, if Jamie had noticed that the size of the flames was out of proportion to what was being burned.

To be fair, monkeys are always looking for a reason to throw down.

Yes, this series has hardly been compelling. I’ve already dropped my CBS subscription so I can renew HBONow. Since next week is the season finale, I guess I’ll finish watching after WestWorld has finished its season.