Zardoz Mobile

yeah these people got the tiniest little slap on the wrist. even the ones who were straight up found guilty are apparently simply paying a monthly charge that’s less than my cable bill, and as is typical for white collar crime, practically none of them did any prison time (not complaining .. prison is stupid and

Maybe it’s me, but I always understood Howard. For a guy put in the positions he was put in, his choices made sense to me. If anything I tended to feel bad that he got caught in the middle of drama he just didn’t know the full story about. There’s something about him that feels coded to ‘villain’, but he’s the guy

Lulu Wilson was phenomenal as Kestra. TNG never had a great track record when it came to child actors, but Wilson was phenomenal here — selling the family chemistry with Riker and Troi, capturing wild exuberance of a free range child with a rural upbringing playing in the woods, conveying the loss of Kestra’s older

My favorite thing about the writing is that they never really use the short cut of random chance. Saul ends up getting picked up by Nacho because his promotional stunt was the catalyst for a crime spree that ends with Domingo getting arrested. It’s never predictable but cause and effect is always plainly laid out. 

TV tropes is fun and all but equating trope usage with bad storytelling is a scary fallacy. Similar to people who think stories can’t be good if they don’t surprise you.

I kind of expected cause of death to be being 91. So much sadder to find he was apparently in decently good health and got hit by a car.

It’s always irritating seeing someone new to TV Tropes. I was this way a few years ago. Ugh, still embarrassing to think back to it.

Considering that for every million dollar game piece they stole, there is a random family out there that should have won instead, I definitely wouldn’t call this a victimless crime. It’s just that the victims can’t be identified.

We’re waiting to hear back from tech support, but thank you for bringing this to our attention.

How are you capable of being so wrong? 

I’m three episodes in (maybe four? It was late when I stopped for the night), and I just don’t get the eye-rolling that the reviewer is doing at every possible chance. Especially with the rundown of the characters. Just a little bit of empathy and insight wipes away most of the “mysteriously” from each description

Two things: I think she was employed by an agency that specifically provided a dual service of physical care and home upkeep for people who would have trouble doing that for themselves. I don’t know if such services really exist, but it’s not too much of a contrivance for a TV show.

Yeah, but it’s not like the year Chase was on was so much better. Seriously, we’ve all been watching “best of” compilations for years, but go back and watch a full, unedited episode sometime. If there’s one funny sketch in five, it’s a good episode.

Thank you for posting.

You’d actually be surprised how liberal and open minded comic fans are, but sure, generalize because you want to feel superior. Most fandoms have loud terrible voices, but they’re usually a minority. The values comics are built on are quite liberal when it comes right down to it, just like Star Wars. There are vocal

Look, I’m not a fan of comic book movies, and I’m a film snob, and hell, just look at my name and avatar, but even I rolled my eyes a bit when Hawke invoked Bergman and Bresson.

Winona picked out a few things

Waking up in ICU with amnesia.

No one will hire just Juan.