ok those are a hard no from me
ok those are a hard no from me
There’s one really good, foolproof way to ensure that strangers don’t overfeed your cat with inappropriate food.
It’s been two days, so can we safely assume that y’all are just not gonna mention the fact that Lena Dunham confessed to lying in order to discredit an underage black rape victim.
If a spot on my underwear was my only risk then I might share your opinion. Unfortunately, my cycle tends to start heavy so if I didn’t have an app to alert me I might bleed through my clothes before I realized.
there aren’t any
Hippocratic Oaf.
And why should she not just disappear?
Did she correct people frequently, if they made the assumption that she came up with it? Because if not, that’s basically taking credit for it.
If someone relapses, that doesn’t make them a failure, but it does mean that there is something in their lives causing them stress that hasn’t been addressed - especially after long periods of sobriety. You and others are right, blame and guilt are absolutely useless, though in my experience it was ME who was guilting…
Well, the reason I go to meetings after getting solid sobriety under my belt isn’t so much for me anymore, but for new people walking into the rooms. Helping them does help me. Meetings aren’t actually a requirement, but they are suggested because it helps keep you connected to a community of people suffering from the…
Nah. I’m just a person who is trying to have a conversation with someone about the importance of black music esp black music in an extremely white space and then reading the juvenile response of “butthurt” in return.
As a current subscriber to the philosophy of AA, I’ve never once heard someone say that “one drink and you’ve just thrown away 6 years of sobriety”. Nor does anything in the big book or the steps say anything about throwing away your sobriety if you relapse. Every meeting I’ve ever been too, and I go to between 3 and…
You talking about Madonna as though Janet Jackson is out here doing her thing as an “older famous” woman.
Also, is she implying that she paved the way for Black freedom? I would file that under Offensive.
instead of joining the throngs of ass kissers worshipping Bey and Jay-Z
All she succeeded in being is embarrassing.