I give her shit for often being a clueless white woman. What would make her think that an actual Black female singer would revere her pathetic imitation?
I give her shit for often being a clueless white woman. What would make her think that an actual Black female singer would revere her pathetic imitation?
Having said that, I’ll never stop following her. It’s just too funny!
I don’t get were this “It didn’t fit” critique is coming from. In what world would this woman not have a dress that fit her properly?? Like, you can dislike the style of the dress, but the people running around as if she was married in a dress she got off the sale rack at David’s Bridal is just a lil’ too much for me.
Big old sleazy Joss.
First - shame one everyone involveds parents. Two of these people are actual children.
How does someone who looks like bleached mashed potatoes have the nerve to call anyone ashy?
Michael Rapaport is why there should be a ban on inviting certain folks to the cookout.
But she once read a book about native Americans and she’s really smart! We’re bad feminists if we criticize her! Throwing less intellectually impressive women under the bus to protect her own paycheck is totally on the same level as wearing green!
You really think someone being on a diversity and inclusion task force—and then caping for the admin that’s the problem is the same thing as a Princess wearing a green dress and following Royal protocol? Way to blow off the actual women at Vice who need things to change.
These are the types of responses that ensure WOC won’t trust white feminists for many years to come. Lena Dunham was an executive producer on the show, she was alot more involved than the rest of the cast. If she was truly looking to provide more diversity then this would’ve been a nice area to start....as in making…
Who blamed the actresses? They used a picture of the stars of the show because it happened on that show, making an easy connection for people’s memories. Not because they blamed them personally.
I mean, cool rant and all but I was expecting to at least go back and find a snarky comment in the article I’d missed that…
Outside of the comments, I don’t read the article as blaming the actresses specifically. The header photo is there because they are the well-compensated faces of the product that came from the production company being sued for under compensation elsewhere in their organization.
You do know she wasn’t just an actress in the show, right? She was a creator, writer, and executive producer. No one is blaming someone who is just an actress, it was entirely her show. She should get all the credit for the successes, but also any blame for any failures.
Yeah. We can just Godwin ourselves here and say that Hitler may very well have been super polite to most people, helped old ladies cross the street, and fed the homeless, but it doesn’t change the facts of his other actions.
Love that you ask why they want to know!
I’m an American-born child of Chinese immigrants. While Bari’s comments (and subsequent “if you were offended, that says more about your intentions than mine!!!” response) were disappointing, to any POC, especially Latinix and Asian POC, this is exactly 0% shocking. We get othered all the time, even in the country of…