
The lack of attention and mobilization around this tax bill (which is probably passing right now) is maddening. I know taxes are boring but they play a huge role in the general functioning of society (and our daily quality of life), and the fact that a ~500 document is being rammed through congress in like a week and

I actually made that long hallway with toilet for my Sim once. It was his first bachelor pad. Cheap, efficient, and lovely. Had him live off take-out pizza and sleep on a bench outside. Used the local “health club” as his shower. His only entertainment was work, and watching TV at his neighbor’s house.

YESSSSSSS. Renée would have been amazing (especially since she can actually act).

Do you think the whole thing is like this? This comes off like somebody trying to bullshit their way through an essay exam they didn’t study for.

This white woman is going to explain everything!

A more fitting punishment is to tell them they are getting 5 years probation and then jail them for a year. That would be a great reaction vid.


This isn’t even the bottom! Can you imagine how much lower he can go?!

Come on guys. Leo can fuck whoever he wants as long as they want to fuck him too. Let’s stop this.

Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.

qwhite interesting, isn’t it?

See, stuff like this is where the show loses me. We’re supposed to believe that Dany had enough time to get from a green screen studio in Belfast all the way to Westeros in time to attack the Lannister army?

Meritocracy as received religion. I’m sure that if you cornered this guy, he’d tell that he sincerely believes that sexism, racism, homophobia, et al. are “bad.” But he’s unable to recognize that there are deep structural biases against women, minorities, and LGBTs because of his faith in what he sees as a perfect

I would not be surprised. I went in June and had the BEST time but it’s a *very* physical show. The guys are CUT but more importantly exceptionally good dancers and the dancing is core. I could see chipped teeth. I could see pulling muscles, especially if they pick up a girl that looks light but is... not so light.

Someone please inform Keegan Michael Key that stupidity isn’t a plot point. Neither is being an asshole. This stuff works great for 4 minute sketches on Key & Peele, which I loved to death, but for an entire show, it just made me want to roll my eyes so hard they almost dislodged from my skull. Who spends $30,000

I liken the 2016 US Presidential election to parents searching for a new babysitter: we could have chosen the nanny whose resume checks out but who would also invite her boyfriend over for a hookup while on the job, but instead we hired the self-admitted pedophile because we admired his candor and how he deviates from

America is the estranged and bitter teenager who just lectured Europe-Mom for being a drunk divorcee, slammed the car door, yelled “I’ll never be like you!”, reversed out of the driveway, and straight into a passing bus.

I’m not gonna lie, I kind of love this. It would be so delightful in a movie.

My version of this story is that I’m getting married in 4 months and my fiance’s mom decided, after we set our date, that she is getting married before us, specific date still TBA.