
Yeah I’m so sure all of us Jezebel readers did things when we were 15 that would land us on the sex offender registry. We were all child molesters... 😂😂😂

Great piece, and your mom sounds awesome. This makes me curious to watch the show — I had always (I guess erroneously) assumed the show was wall-to-wall manfeelings.

Your friend deserves all the hugs and chocolate in the world.

Exactly. We get it, hon, you have a banging bod. Now could you please get dressed? It’s the Met costume gala, not the pasties + netting gala.

I feel like they’re saving the full ‘Avengers, assemble’ for the end of Infinity War Part 1? No one’s actually said it on screen yet I don’t think, and the thought of using it to finally bring together anywhere up to 30 heroes feels like the place to do it!

I hope someone who’s not in the greys stars your comment too. As a white woman, I can’t really know what POC live with, but I’m listening as hard as I can - thank you for sharing.

OH MY GOD! This made me recoil in horror thinking of the angels in disguise I’ve dealt with as a server. I have crippling social anxiety and rage directed pretty much toward anyone who is not a cat or koala, so serving is a little weird for me. It’s a challenge. It makes me interact with folks for money, though it 99%

Did he get baby clothes? Because it sounds like they were describing men’s clothes. As in Prince Wills, who seems to only wear blue suits or blue button-down shirts, shockingly stuck with his usual go-to color when purchasing new clothing for himself.

I did same but it was kind of making it difficult to pretend he is actually Oberyn so I stopped last season. Plus he posts pictures of himself with his girlfriend and honestly I don’t like that he doesn’t respect our relationship enough to at least pretend he is available.

Frisch’s forgot the top bun on my (call ahead carryout) Big Boy once. How do you forget a bun?? Cheese or another hidden ingredient, I get. But shouldn’t it have looked pretty fucking incomplete to the line cook or the server who boxed it up?

I think you mean men in their early 20s. And good for your sister if she has the presence of mind at 16 to come up with a retort like that. I sure didn’t when I was that age. I would have blushed and stammered and not known whether to take it as a compliment or harassment.

I was in a band and on tour in the early 00’s. As we were leaving the western edge of Pennsylvania on our way to Dayton Ohio we gassed up at a station that had a hybrid Pizza Hut / KFC / and Blimpies food processing closet. Being a vegetarian roughly 5 hours from home I was overjoyed that the Blimpies, 1/3 of this

I think I’ve got the creme de la creme. When I was 12, my family took a trip to Disneyworld. The first day there we did the usual rides, food, etc. (Tower of Terror is the shit!!!!). While waiting in line for The Great Movie Ride I started getting a little groin pain. At first I thought I just really needed to pee.

I'm so truly, completely, fucking sick of the myth of false equivalence. What is not to get here? Oral sex for women is not the same as oral sex for men. Most men will get off solely from penetrative sex. Most women will not. Therefore oral sex, (or some other form of stimulation) is necessary for most women to

Jessica Biel "showing off" her baby bump - what a stupid way to describe a pregnant woman showing herself in public. What is she supposed to do with it? Take it off and put it in a drawer before she steps out?

I'm using this phrase as foreplay dirty talk now. "Open my door, handsome stranger. Be careful, it gets a bit stuck, the humidity lately just causes it to swell up in the jamb."

I get why people might think this is body shaming. But to be honest, my opinion is shaped from experience. I suffered from anorexia in my teens. At one point I weighed 58 pounds, and I probably would have been dead within a week if I hadn't been sectioned.

Ah, Forxcalibur. Alas, many a man has tried to free that fork from within the enchanted block of parmesan, but all that have gone North to this garden of olives have never been seen again.

The lady in the Olive Garden lake of marinara sauce has to choose you, then you have to pull a pasta fork from a block of extra hard cheese.

Extra points for a Venn Diagram. Always extra points for a Venn Diagram.