
Avenatti will continue to unwind until all the people who thought he was going to beat Trump return to their TRUE passion: Being mad at Susan Sarandon over 2016. 

I don’t think Trump is going to do jack shit about this. His only sense is for what his base wants, and his base doesn’t give a shit about murdered journalists. I wouldn’t be surprised if he said “I wish I could get away with this! Crooked media!” at his next rally.

Kevin Durant having a shitposter brother named Tony is the only humanizing thing I’ve ever heard about him. 


This is not a game of Who’s More Native? It is a simple question of to whom Elizabeth Warren feels responsible to when she travels to Washington. If her record is any indication, it is not Native peoples.

He’s sort of like Joe Arpaio mixed with Trump in that his all-consuming ambition doesn’t actually project that high. He’s a small-town shitkicker who thinks because he’s ran his little province as an absolute tyrant that he’ll be able to just continue doing that at the highest levels of power. Fortunately for the

lol why are you taunting JB for self-identifying as a competitor? 

I already covered this in a previous thread. Posters decided they a. grow them on a tree b. grow them in a cabbage patch-like situation c. have a factory that recycles past cruel blonde women into new ones

This is my favorite blog I’ve ever read on this website, and I enjoy this website. 

His not explicitly saying “sex” is the modern equivalent of Thoreau not mentioning that he built a latrine at Walden Pond. Any scholar will tell you was there. 

This comment section is myopic and deranged. What the fuck are you people in support of Avenatti going to say when his skeletons come out of the closet? Don’t mistake courage for narcissism. He’s a fameball in an expensive suit who is on his way to doing more harm than good.

Everything about Kavanaugh’s nomination has had the specter of dark money and powerful right wing machinations behind it. From his debts mysteriously disappearing, to the PR messaging about him being a “champion of women” from the start, to the way every GOP senator acts so damn smug that he’ll get the nomination in

For some reason, I couldn’t help but hearing “Chuck Fucking Grassley” in your accent, Libby. Everything else was in the sort of drowsy Ben Stein-y mental voice with which I read everything.

One allegation pertains to a white paper written by Craig and his former law firm, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, as a supposedly independent assessment of the Yanukovych administration’s imprisonment of rival Yulia ­Tymoshenko. The Ukrainian government reported paying Manafort $12,000 for the paper, according

“In a strange way,” Judge writes, strangely, “conservatives are not only like Bryce Harper, but have become like the do-it-yourself punk rockers of the late 1970s and early 1980s.”

Not too long after graduating college, I was working as an unpaid intern news reporter for one of those horrific media tech start ups. The owner was a legit maniac who would call from across the country to torment the editors, and he thought everyone was stupid but him. One night, I was insanely hammered and fed up

Sorry, I wasn’t sure what level of irony you were on. lol

Ah yes, that classic understanding of the term dog whistle. Why, I remember when Mike Bloomberg said the word “good” in a speech the other day, and me and my libtard friends began slobbering with excitement at his reference from Hillary’s debate line “America is great because America is good.” 

My conservative dad loves the line “liberals are immoral because they don’t have religion to ground their beliefs in a higher meaning. If you don’t believe in god, it’s all just whatever morals anyone wants.”

Name one conservative who hasn’t done one or all of the following:
-Stumped for pointless, murderous, eternal,