Trump and the soccer ball. Elon Musk accusing a hero of pedophelia because the man didn’t like his child submarine. This. The news cycle has been in a perversely whimsical phase and boooooy am I over it.
Trump and the soccer ball. Elon Musk accusing a hero of pedophelia because the man didn’t like his child submarine. This. The news cycle has been in a perversely whimsical phase and boooooy am I over it.
I’m in favor of the workers organizing but what the fuck does “impliedly promised” mean? I write for a living and legal jargon always makes me feel like I speak a different language.
The clock is ticking on using traditional SEO techniques as a money making scheme. Google has an interest in making that the case.
Everyone should read the very mean and funny New Yorker story on him. You can boil all of his success down to “he used SEO” and boil all his ideas for the future down to “he’s going to try use SEO again.”
If you’re the type to enjoy scolding, I happen to mentally scolding the soccer fans of various teams because every single chant, no matter its content, sounds extremely racist and homophobic.
I was not familiar with that term until I looked it up just now. My reaction to the wikipedia article is roughly the same as my reaction to the Vine of that chicken wearing tiny pants. “Huh. How... Huh.”
Or is Kansas sharpshooter Svi Mykhailiuk going to be the Lakers’ version of Kyle Korver?
My favorite thing about Bruni is his reputation for being an excellent food critic. This is the mother fucker who would hid a paperclip in the bathroom of the restaurant he was reviewing and if it was still there when he came back to the bathroom later in the meal, he would dock the restaurant in his review.
He’s just…
I cannot believe I’m going to have to look at the Daily Beast now. Fuck. FUCK.
It’s when you go to school for like 11 years so that you can one day tell workers in whatever shitty company you get hired at to read Eckhart Tolle.
My uncle has an MBA and a doctorate in “leadership.” As anyone who has had a conversation with the man can attest, one thing is true: if the MBAs don’t kill us, they’ll get us to kill ourselves if only to be spared hearing them talk more.
Bellator out here employing sound men to sabotage UFC fights by not putting down gaff tape over the speaker cables. Dana White isn’t ready for a promotional war of this sophistication.
Their is a sort of circular reasoning to it, and you can predict their reactions very accurately if you grew up in it. But it takes so much cultural background to really understand the fundamentalist mindset that from the outside it just looks like gibberish.
It’s all based on the idea of “spiritual warfare” with God, angels, and christian peoples (including jews, sort of, some times) on one side and Satan, demons, and sinners (basically everyone who isn’t a christian) on the other side. Everything done by “their people” is God’s will, and the job of a pastor is to find a…
Chuck Schumer is the Krillin of politics.
ETA: By which I mean he always volunteers himself to get humiliatingly destroyed by the opposition, no matter how hapless the opposition may be
It’s probably sirloin pulled from the freezer. They take on that sickly slickness when they’ve been vacuum packed, frozen, and then thawed on a warm countertop
This is especially shitty because Boogie is actually likable, in his own malcontent demigod sort of way. The Warriors is made up of cops and narcs and vlog husbands. It’s sickening to be wishing the best for a member of that team.
The Outline: The Rise of The Moon Implosion Blockchain and How r/Moonimplosion Made it Problematic
Headline in every country besides the US: Man and woman try to escape police after using stolen credit card, hijinks ensue
Headline in the US: Man shot dead, police say suspect “brandished chips menacingly”
Thorgan Hazard is a George Lucas-ass name