
It was Trayvon Martin who really forced me to confront race in America. I remember seeing how his character was assassinated by Fox News and other right wing outlets and thinking, “he was seventeen. He’s a menace to society because he smoked pot and got into a fight? In that case I was Al fucking Capone.”

There are almost two dozen countries in what is considered the Arab world and the treatment and clothing styles of women in each is very different. They aren’t all wearing burkas and niqabs. Young women in Lebanon, for example, dress just like Americans — tank tops and jeans (ie. bare arms).

The cover is stunning!

This kind of annoys me: Tom Cruise is part of a weird cult. But there’s no evidence he ever hurt anyone. I had a friend who worked on MI-4 and said that Cruise is polite, punctual, and a complete professional. He just happens to be so dumb he couldn’t spell cat if you spotted him the ‘c’ and the ‘t’.

And Winona Ryder spent an entire decade relegated to b list supporting roles...for shop lifting.

I have to disagree with this, solely because, while Gibson DOES portray a ton of violence in his films, it is realistic violence. I remember discussing the Passion while in divinity school, and the biggest takeaway that most of us realized was that is was probably the most ACCURATE passion film ever made. That WAS the

Mel Gibson is second only to Tom Cruise in the “scary smile and crazy eyes” category, and I wish he would fall into a rip in space-time, but I have to say I loved Apocalypto.

I don’t think we should shrug this off is just another instance of politicians using grieving service members’ families as political chips, and here’s why I think so:

The problem wasn’t recognizing her loss. The problem was how it was done. Especially with the “Ryan must be happy” comment. That was tactless as hell and completely disrespectful. I know vets, and every single one is at least displeased if not outright pissed about how that was handled.


A week or so ago Van Jones came out on Twitter as an Assad supporter, so naturally he’s also okay with the budding tyrant Trump.

The fawning over this speech by the pundits is just vomit inducing. Van Jones just declared Trump’s shout out to the Yemen raid soldier’s widow one of the greatest moments in presidential speech history, and his ticket to being a two term president. I think his exact words were “He became president of the United

Now playing

Former model here. Maida and Ramy are sick fucks. Their thing is to call hundreds of girls they have no intention of ever booking to a casting all at the same time and have them wait from 4-8 hours to be seen. They take their books when they arrive (agency portfolios - cost a bunch of money and are hard to replace) so

I just don’t understand why the fuck anyone would do this. Is it just a show of power? To belittle the models, who are actually a necessary asset to the design houses, to keep them meek or some shit? wtf

Imagine if this was reversed.

six years on one count of violating Georgia’s street gang act

Wait. That was their defense? That they weren’t the ones who threatened the partygoers? Man, fuck y’all. You rolled up six or seven cars deep into a mostly African-American neighborhood with Confederate flags flying from every single vehicle. You purposely went out looking for a fucking conflict, and when you noticed

Also, maybe I’m reading the article incorrectly, but didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?

thats because racism has not only been legitimized, its been deemed patriotism.

“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.