
Man, this shit is just dangerous. Yesterday a facebook friend of mine posted some “news” article about the “American College of Pediatrics” declaring transgender support is child abuse. And he legitimately believed that this was a major medical organization making this claim because he read it in the “news”. None of

One of the most basic functions of an incoming President is to appoint replacements for the numerous positions in the administration.

what he didn’t do was tell Dunaway why he had stared so long at the envelope. He merely passed it to her, and she quickly announced the wrong winner.

After violating the conditions of his release, it’s nice to see he’s finally learning about personal responsibility and consequences. Mainly, that his current situation is totally the fault of the lawyers he hired who weren’t able to get him off.

Indeed, i believe it was paid for by alums and parents of alums of St. Paul’s. He’s not actually a rich kid, but that doesn’t mean he hadn’t become accustomed to the life style of his rich friends.

“ of Labrie’s lawyers, Jaye Rancourt, said that Labrie’s out-of-state team mishandled the case.”

And here he is before his geeky makeunder:

Extremely Jeff Bridges face

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

Yeah, I agree. It seemed like he was trying to make it right as quickly and clearly as possible.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

I can not stand a single thing about this woman. I don’t care if her sew-in was on point. She literally performed minstrelsy for a living. She is the single-most cynical person ever. As a Black woman I’m continually disgusted by her exploitation of Blackness. The thing that pisses me off more than anything is that she


So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.

Trump supporters waved around Russian flags with “TRUMP” plastered on them, a prank by 22-year-old Jason Charter and 36-year-old Ryan Clayton. “Most people didn’t realize it was a Russian flag, or they didn’t care,” Charter told the Atlantic in a phone interview.

I am a clinic escort volunteer coordinator at my local indie abortion clinic. Our local CPCs raised 325k to buy one of these stork buses. Every day that we are open, they park in the empty lot across the street (that they lease and have forbidden us from stepping foot on). The regular antis that troll our sidewalks

I’m 99% sure that anytime Trumpees are asked about this, part of the response will be “This was an isolated incident and law enforcement has not determined that it was a hate crime...” And then they’ll point to something shiny at the back of the room to distract from the subject.

Most of my family and friends in the U.S. (all Indian) are extremely educated professionals: a post-doc research scientist, many are E.R. doctors, surgeons, a former government advisor economist, etc. I wonder how many of them took those highly skilled jobs away from Trump supporters like this:

How unfair to set bond at $2 million. Clearly, this guy already has enough economic anxiety.

How the fuck can they say they don’t have enough info to officially call it a hate crime? He yelled get out of my country and shot two people he believed were middle eastern. Sounds like a pretty open and shut case of hate crime and terrorism to me.