
My last few days living at the homeless hostel, I’m so looking forward to finally moving into my own home, it’s been a long journey. I look back to the time I was laying on the floor crying, unable to breathe, wishing the pain would end. I’m so pleased that my friend found me after my overdose, back then I never

Pasta is supposed to be said with a flat a.

These stories always provoke the worst discussions.

How are these things contradictory?

Bev didn’t have sex to serve the boys, she did so to “unite” the group, so that they could effectively battle Pennywise in the future.

That scene is far more realistic and probable than a kiddy-bang in the sewer.

I know I read the book about 15 years ago, and...I still hate that scene. It doesn’t make sense. King’s sexual content almost always is jarring, though, mainly because of how he writes it, but the idea of a bunch of 12 year olds having a gang-bang? Whether or not he executed it well, it’s best if we leave that kind of

Child murder, I think we all agree, is a bad thing. So a book portraying child murder as a bad thing isn’t particularly controversial.

I was unsurprised to learn years after I read It that King was experiencing substance abuse issues at that point in his career. It is curiously uneven, with a brilliant time-shifted narrative and a great sense of place and times, but also a number of scenes that could have been improved with the help of a good

Maybe has and they’re ALL MAGICIANS.

I posted about Mr. Mercedes about 20 minutes ago, and his insistence on having that kid “jokingly” talking like he’s channeling the worst stereotypes of an old-timey movie.


I have read the book (although it has been a while) and I remember this scene being really uncomfortable and bad. I’m saying your explanation of doesn’t make any sense. Her having sex with the boys individually doesn’t make any sense to bond the entire group of them together. You could claim it would bond her with

He lives in Maine, so...probably not?

As recently as ‘Mr Mercedes’ (2014) and his most recent short story anthology (2015) I still had to wonder: has Stephen King ever actually spoken to a black person, ever?

Yeah, it’s a super weird tick to have ‘magic black people’ as like a recurring theme for a writer to have.

If the point was to unify her into the existing group of already unified boys, you might have an argument. But somehow her having sex with each individual boy unifies the whole group? It somehow bring the boys together as well as her and the boys? How exactly is that supposed to work? “We all had sex with her, so we

I say this as someone who owns nearly every novel King has written and, when considering the entire gigantic body of his work, he’s actually kind of my favourite author.

Haha! You’re funny. He’s describing what literally happens in the book. They have sex (so their relationship is no longer Platonic), and the girl is described as for the most part not enjoying it, and doing it to bring the group back together. So this is a perfect example of the utilitarian take on female sexuality.

This is just how I feel about all of Stephen King’s work, and it’s a shame because he does seem like he is a decent man. He stood up for gun control, etc etc.