Zachtory of Sadness

Just ask Draymond Green, he’ll give you black and blue balls.

Remember that one time he violated California law in order to secretly record conversations to spy on his “rivals” within the organization? It is a wonder why he can’t get another job.

You could call it being blackballed, but I can’t really fault GMs for being reluctant to hire a coach with a history of undermining and going to war with his front offices 

Mama, there goes that bigot

He is right and he is wrong. He is right that Jackson is being blackballed, he is wrong that it is for any reason other than him being an incompetent ego-maniac.

“But she’s got a new hat!”

Though I wouldn’t mind Avatar being deprived of its only remaining instance of cultural significance.

Avatar got its record in part due to a limited theatrical re-release. 

If it means that it’ll beat Avatar for the #1 spot I’ll go see it for a fourth time.

Maybe he/she means Canadian minutes?

It very much was not

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

My wife makes fun of me for overengineering home projects. This article is now bookmarked as my retort.

This is why you always fasten the shelf brackets to the wall studs. Because bears.

What the fuck do they make shelves from in Montana

Not pictured, the too hard shelf and the too soft shelf.

That bare closet is now a bear closet.

Officers: You can leave now.

A bear in the closet. And during pride month?!?!

It sounds like John Barron.