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Arc is the best! But it helps that they are working in a 2D plain. They can pretty much pull off all sorts of tricks when the camera doesn’t turn.

It’s like this team actually knows how to animate 3D anime.

It really is. Some dumbass trying to link a love of anime to ethnicity. Sounds like textbook racial profiling to me.

I read the entire article and also find it bizarre and stupid that this is a story associating ethnicity to loving Dragon Ball...race bait.

I read the first couple paragraphs then just skimmed through it because the whole thing is ridiculous.

on what basis was it based off of shaw brothers films? Its a jokey version of journey into the west

I worked for funimation back in 2000-2002. Shaw brothers? No. Journey to the West? Yes. But than again we were just localizing it for Cartoon Network. They didn’t really make a lot from it showing on TV. They made all their money from VHS and DVD sales and toy rights.

Briefly skimmed through the article.

Can you cite a source for the Shaw Bros thing? The references to Journey to the West are numerous and obvious but I never heard the Shaw Bros referred to as an influence.

Yes, Piccolo. The guy who left a 4 year old out in the wilderness to survive on his own for 6 months before spending the next 6 months beating him up over and over again. Father of the year material, there.

Actually, Japan considers Goku to be a good dad. The only complaint is that he gives his sons too much freedom instead of being as strict as ChiChi is.

I’ve never heard of that, only that DB was inspired by Journey to the West :O

Pretty much hits the nail on the head.

I thought it was primarily inspired from Journey to the West.