
Hopefully they bring a lot of them over to the Switch.

I love Final Fantasy VII and VIII as I have stated. But I find it ironic that you love FFVIII’s “crapy models” but pick on FFVII’s models. Truth be told both look like trash in comparison to many games that came out only a few years later, but were ground breaking and acceptable for their release year and the strives

The Metoo thing is full of hypocrites and liars who want attention. Sadly it makes it hard to believe those who have really been abused.

Quite virtue signalling and being a victim. Not one thing Racist was said in the entire thing.

Hell when I was younger I thought Arc the Lad and Wild Arms looked decent. (Though Wild Arms always looked a bit jarring).

This is probably one of the stupidest comments I have read. Not trying to be offensive, its like saying early Sci-fi used special effects too soon! If they didn’t experiment it wouldn’t have jump started / inspired the current usage of it. It isn’t meant to look good now, hence why they are remaking it, just like

I have been waiting a long time for a good Adventure Time RPG that took the lore seriously (as much as can be possible given the tone of the show) and really delved into a good storyline. Like playing through one of their 3 part arcs.

Sad that no one seems to remember Wild Arms....

Pretty sure nothing good comes of this satellite.

God I love this~! This was my Skyrim back in the day. I would keep coming back to it over and over for whatever reason and play through it. We even made a yearly playthrough a tradition in my family.

Don’t know what you played, I thought it was pretty fucking awesome as did many others. Making a blanket statement like that as if it is absolute is like me saying Halo is shit because I don’t like it. Sure may not be your thing but it has to be pretty decent if so many others like it.

It’s called the “taking a dump on Square Enix no matter what” fad and I was hoping it would die by now. 

Developed to debut in China. I’m convinced the Chinese don’t know what good gaming is. All they seemay to have is shitty wallet draining mmos, moba, and phone games. Sadly even Japan knows this and it is like the only way to market to China.....sigh. well Kof xiii was still decent.

Especially with the speed and storage of Blu-rays.

I want to say that you are 100% in the same place I am. In fact I get tired of seeing soo many anti-white / SJW / put down the man/ Everyone is out to get (fill in the blank) and “Oh the oppression / Injustice” articles on gawker...primarily kotaku as of late, that I have gotten to the point where I read like 2

Seeing that Tolkien’so stuff was all a riff on Nordic and Germanic culture this is pretty invalid. If you were to say ff is a riff on dungeons and dragons which was inspired by Tolkien then I would agree. Tolkien didn’t create western fantasy. Also Blade Runner was predated by many Japanese and other cyberpunk media

My job make it where I’m away too much to enjoy an pay to play mmo without feeling like I’m wasting money. Makes me sad as I have played just a bit of ffxiv to know it is amazing.

As someone not overly offended by things like a whiny sensitive PC/ SJW nutjob, this art is rather decent. I have always loved Frank Frazetta’s artwork. These looks like some good inspired pieces. Saw this board game for the first time at the local hobby store just the other day. A bit too steep like the rest of them,

What the fuck is wrong with me? I’m not that one who took the amount of time as you have above to hatefully reply to someone on the internet that I don’t know over an inane subject. Happy Holidays.