
Yeah but then Kamitami gets called a 14-year-old by gaming journalists and assorted types. :) Maybe if people stopped with that bullshit, devs and artists would feel less shamed and forced to come up with some explanation.

Hey, that gif is absorbing

Well they probably want some level of “realism” in the robot. The scientists that is.

I agree that while ff7 may not be the best ff saying it is overrated is like being the hipster of video games we get it its popular and its not for you but saying its overrated is a bad way to put it

FF7 was my first Final Fantasy game so I guess I’m one of those FF7 kids. I still love it, but now that I’ve played more of the series and gotten older I find myself going back to 9 when it comes time to pick favorites. The cast was so good and there’s so many good story moments. A lot of people like 6, but I think 9

And here I like all three of those things, next you’ll tell me that Star Wars is overrated, and on and on till every popular thing has been chastised.

If “American gaming culture” means that I can make progress in an MMO and keep up and play with my friends without devoting 100% of my available gaming time to it, then so be it. People seem to equate unreasonable wastes of time to difficulty in games for some reason. A boss that takes 72 hours to defeat by a massive

You would find it a “coddling”. I find it enjoyable.

“papa told mama, Laura told Nick. You can move a mountain, if you do it brick by brick

I came here to say that I really hate the whole “Games as a service” thing, because it’s a blatant lie on the part of the companies. No matter what, they will always treat their products as products, and more than that as exploitable products, because they can’t do anything else. MMOs, which have the best case for

Actually not all props were banned, only weapon props were banned.

well weapon check is there for a reason

As someone who doesn’t cosplay (lack of creativity and skill) but enjoys looking at all the purdy shinies, I have a hard time getting behind the outrage over prop bans.

Personally, I’ve always hoped that we secretly have a couple kinetic-kill satellites up there for just such an occasion. Oh, your fleet is getting feisty? Here, let me push this button and sink every boat you own with the bloody hammer of god.

What better way to commemorate and honor the victory against Japan than by making a video of invading Japan? How solemn is your jingoism? How respectful is your hypocrisy about imperialism?

The reason is called "creative freedom" and "making the game he wants to make". Instead of bending ass over backwards for everyone who doesn't want that kind of game. Don't like it? Don't play it. No reason to shame a creator for making something you don't like, just move on :S