
Nothing like a little Tesla bashing party to end the day.

Fuck it, let’s just go straight to 12G America. Put on those MAGA hats, kick all the browns out and let’s get to work with our gas guzzling trucks, coal fired plants and shitty health care. No one can stop us, we’ll go straight to plaid dammit.

It means nothing. He has poo brain.

So can the Parkland kids sue Fox news for the same thing? 

I came here to see if anyone would reference this. You made my night.

This is actually a fairly major plot point in Neil Gaiman’s ‘American Gods’. I don’t want to give too much away, but you might want to check the trunk of the car before it crashes through the ice.

Most republicans are exactly this right now. It isn’t about the country, or making things better for anyone in the long run, it’s about being angry that others are finally achieving some parity with them, and the mistaken belief that in order for them to succeed others (anyone not them) must fail, or be destroyed.

You can’t spell BIGLY WALL without AI

I’d just love it if the anti-vaxxers would join forces with that part of the alt-right that wants a “whites only” state. Bring along some of the Don’t Tread On Me libertarians and just watch what happens. Set it up in Kansas, they should be used to being a national petri dish.

Do they refuse to put their kids in car seats to protest government interference?

It’s not supposed to be cool. Cool things are either impractical or gimmicky based on current trends.

The book is a pretty good read.

Even Patriots fans can’t stand Patriots fans.

Like everyone else, it’s just announcing its intent to run in 2020.

That would be one hell of a way to end the series right at the start of Age of Apocalypse.

God damn these electric sex pants.

You’ve never heard of Jude Lawson? He's a well regarded British actor.  Been in a zillion movies, like Gattaca, alongside Ethan Hawkeson and Uma Thurmanson. Or Talented Mr. Ripley, with Matt Damonson.

Well, she’s also taken by aliens and given superpowers, so perhaps a little suspension of disbelief is okay. :D

... and take your star!

Frosted Quakes?!